On 7/06/2017 7:09 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 06 Jun 2017, at 01:23, Bruce Kellett wrote:

I have been through this before. I looked at Price again this morning and was frankly appalled at the stupidity of what I saw. Let me summarize briefly what he did. He has a very cumbersome notation, but I will attempt to simplify as far as is possible. I will use '+' and '-' as spin states, rather than his 'left', 'right'.

He write the initial wave function as for the case when you and I agree in advance to have aligned polarizers:

|psi_1> = }me, electrons,you> = |me>(|+-> - |-+>)|you>
            = |me, +,-,you> - |me,-,+,you>

He says that at this point no measurements have been made, and neither observer is split. But his fundamental mistake is already present.

A little test for you: what is wrong with the above set of equations from a no-collapse pov?

skipping some tedium, he then gets

|psi_3> = |me[+],+,-,you[-]> - |me[-],-,+,you[+]>

where the notation me[+] etc means I have measured '+', you[-] means you have measured '-'.

He then claims that the QM results of perfect anticorrelation in the case of parallel polarizers has been recovered without any non-local interaction!

Spoiler -- in order to write the final line for |psi_1> he has already assumed collapse, when I measure '+', you are presented *only* with '-', so of course you get the right result -- he has built that non-locality in from the start.


From the start shows that it is local.

Your failure to see the problem here is symptomatic of your complete failure to understand EPR in the MWI. Until you can see why Price is wrong to claim locality in the above, you will never get this right, and you will continue to repeat the same errors time and time again.


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