On 12 Jun 2017, at 01:46, Russell Standish wrote:

On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 10:34:44AM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote:

KURTZ S. A., 1983, On the Random Oracle Hypothesis, Information and
Control, 57, pp. 40-47.

And I raise you with

author = {Richard Chang and Benny Chor and Oded Goldreich and Juris Hartmanis and Johan H\aa{}stad and Desh Ranjan and Pankaj Rohatgi},
 title =         {The Random Oracle Hypothesis is False},
 journal =       {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
 year =          1994,
 volume =        49,
 pages =         {24-39}

I am still searching my Kurtz paper. Hartmanis is usually good, but my memory of this is that this paper shows only that the random hypothesis is false *FAPP*. It makes Kurtz result less interesting, but still relevant for the FPI and physics extraction (as the UD contains by construction a random oracle, and all oracles, but only the random one has a clear role, and a promising one finding some equivalent in arithmetic for a phase randomization similar to Feynman. Note that if Riemann hypothesis is true, we should be able to extract a random oracle from the distribution of prime. The same would occur if we could prove that the decimal sequence of some constructive (transcendental) number is random.

Seriously, there is an easy proof that probabilistic Turing machines
are incapable of implementing any algorithm a Turing machine can't:

author = {Karel de Leeuw and Edward F. Moore and Claude E. Shannon and N. Shapiro},
 title =         {Computation by Probabilistic Machines},
 booktitle =     {Automata Studies},
 pages =         {183--212},
 publisher =     {Princeton UP},
 year =  1956,
 editor =        {Shannon and McCarthy},
 address =       {Princeton}

This is well known. The point I made was not on "computation", but on the ability of proving or solving some problem. Probabilistic and quantum machines do not violate the Church-Turing thesis, and all known universal formalism compute the same functions than a combinator or Turing machine, but of course such combinators or Turing machine can prove or believe quite different set of (arithmetical) propositions, and solve different class of problems.


However, it appears that NP-complete problems become P when a random
oracle is added to the mix, so there is a difference from a
computational complexity point of view. I confess to not understanding
that proof, but it is in Chang et al op. cit.



Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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