On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 5:35:37 AM UTC, Bruce wrote:
> On 5/12/2017 4:00 pm, Brent Meeker wrote: 
> > On 12/4/2017 7:23 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote: 
> >> On 5/12/2017 2:03 pm, Russell Standish wrote: 
> >>> On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 12:18:02PM +1100, Bruce Kellett wrote: 
> >>>> Randomness in the sense that I am using it arises in deterministic 
> >>>> systems 
> >>>> from lack of knowledge of the initial conditions. As in the coin 
> >>>> toss, in 
> >>>> general you do not know the initial conditions with sufficient 
> >>>> accuracy to 
> >>>> predict the outcome with certainty. What other type of randomness is 
> >>>> relevant in classical situations? Thermal motions are sufficiently 
> >>>> random 
> >>>> FAPP. 
> >>> And thermal motions are amplified from more minor uncertainties in the 
> >>> molecular scattering process, which are quantum in nature ISTM. 
> >> 
> >> It is my contention that any addition randomization from this source 
> >> is effectively irrelevant. The momentum involved in thermal motions 
> >> at room temperature is such that the uncertainty in momentum due to 
> >> the UP in the wave packet describing the quantum particle is 
> >> completely negligible, FAPP. 
> >> 
> >>> If lack of knowledge in initial conditions were all there is, then the 
> >>> state of the coin (or dice) is completely determined by the initial 
> >>> conditions (just unknown), in which case they're not exactly a random 
> >>> device, just (possibly) pseudorandom. In such a case, there will not 
> >>> be two universes, one with heads and one with tails, just one universe 
> >>> with one or the other outcome. 
> >> 
> >> That is, in fact, the point I was originally trying to make. It 
> >> seemed to me that Bruno was suggesting that the coin toss produced a 
> >> split in the world, where one branch got heads and the other branch 
> >> got tails. Bruno was suggesting that a random shaking of the coin, 
> >> prior to the toss, would amplify quantum indeterminacies to the 
> >> extent that the coin itself was put into a quantum superposition of 
> >> head-vs-tail outcomes. I contended, and still contend, that this is 
> >> impossible. Random shaking of the coin cannot produce a superposition 
> >> -- for many reasons, but the most important is that the original 
> >> indeterminacies are incoherent, whereas the superposition required 
> >> for a quantum world split is completely coherent. No amount of 
> >> shaking can make an incoherent mixture a coherent pure state. That is 
> >> where the Poincare recurrence time came from -- the time it takes a 
> >> fully decohered state to recohere, if left to its own devices. 
> > 
> > This seems to raise and interesting question.  As Russell has agreed, 
> > flipping a coin isn't a good example of quantum randomness because we 
> > know that with sufficient care we can make it deterministic, i.e. the 
> > randomness just came from our ignorance of the initial conditions. 
> My contention is that for a macroscopic object, such as the coin, the 
> randomness is always deterministic, and due to our lack of knowledge of 
> the initial conditions. Classical probability theory arose from such 
> cases, as in card games or the roulette wheel and other games of chance. 
> The argument is as to whether there is such a thing as pure classical 
> probability, or do quantum effects always (or sometimes) dominate. I 
> tend to the view that decoherence is universal, and an effective 
> classical world does emerge from the quantum, so that quantum effects 
> are no longer relevant in this emergent classical world. 
> > But between flipping a coin and flipping an electron spin, there is a 
> > range of cases.  That means there are some which sorta, partially, 
> > maybe split the world??  How quantum must the randomness be for 
> > Everett to apply.  Must it be a pure state or can it be partly mixed? 
> Splitting of worlds is a consequence of Schrodinger evolution of the 
> wave function. You start with a pure quantum state, viz., one which can 
> be represented as a vector or ray in the appropriate Hilbert space, and 
> evolve it according to the interaction Hamiltonian. Expressing this in 
> the einselected stable basis, we are led to a separate world for each 
> basis vector

*How do we get to separate worlds? I just don't see it. AG*

> . Everything else becomes entangled with these stable basis 
> vectors. It seems to me that this is an all-or-nothing process: if the 
> initial state cannot be expressed as a pure state, a vector in the 
> appropriate Hilbert space, then there is no single set of basis vectors, 
> and world splitting cannot be defined. 
> In other words, the randomness must be purely quantum for Everettian 
> splitting to occur -- the apparent randonmness arises as a result of the 
> splitting, it was not present before in any sense since the SE is 
> deterministic. 
> Incidentally, what is a partly mixed state? A mixed state is a 
> probabilistic mixture of pure states, and can only be represented as a 
> density matrix, not as a vector in a Hilbert space, so it cannot lead to 
> splitting of worlds. 
> Bruce 

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