On 6/12/2017 6:13 am, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 12/4/2017 9:35 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

In other words, the randomness must be purely quantum for Everettian splitting to occur -- the apparent randonmness arises as a result of the splitting, it was not present before in any sense since the SE is deterministic.

Incidentally, what is a partly mixed state? A mixed state is a probabilistic mixture of pure states, and can only be represented as a density matrix, not as a vector in a Hilbert space, so it cannot lead to splitting of worlds.

Pure/mixed is not a binary attribute. If the trace of the density matrix squared is 1.0 then it's a pure state. If it's 1/N where N is the Hilbert space dimension it's a maximally mixed state. In between it's a partially mixed state.

Can you give reference where this is spelled out? It does not seem right to me. My understanding of pure/mixed states is along the lines of the Wikipedia article I referenced:


The pure state is one which can be expressed as a sum of the basis vectors of some Hilbert space. If a state cannot be so represented, then it is mixed. Sounds like a binary attribute to me, and the idea of a partially mixed state is incoherent -- that would just be a mixed state. Sometimes pure states, since they can be represented as density matrices, are said to be a special type of mixed state, but I do not find that idea helpful. Representing a pure state as a density matrix is also unhelpful because the same density matrix can be a mixed as well as a pure state: the density matrix representation is not definitive of a pure state.


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