On 5/12/2017 10:56 pm, smitra wrote:
On 05-12-2017 12:44, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 5/12/2017 10:20 pm, smitra wrote:

Bruno is right and the article itself makes this claim explicitly.

Even if one can write down a state that does contain sufficient information, this wouldn't be relevant. In the MWI all the alternative branches also exist and the observer cannot distinguish between one branch and an infinitesimally different micro-branch, and the outcome of the coin toss is going to be different between those branches.

But the observer cannot switch between branches. So in the branch in
which he makes the toss, there is only one outcome, no further split.


If you throw a coin, you don't know how your muscles will exactly go about implementing this. So, even what would pass for an exact physical state in an effective classical description that would yield a deterministic outcome, isn't accessible to you.

That just gives you classical deterministic probabilities, arising because of incomplete knowledge about the initial state.

You don't know which of the different effective branches you are in that will lead to the coin being thrown slightly differently, and that means that, generically, you are in some superposition (entangled with the environment) of a wide range of different branches where different outcomes are realized.

That is incorrect. Ignorance of the initial state does not lead to a superposition.

Now, you could then say that you were already split from the start, but as far as your consciousness is concerned (defined as some bitstring containing all the information you are aware of), you are in a superposition, because the bitstring does factor out of the entangled superposition as long as the bitstring itself does not contain the relevant information here.

I think you are talking about some other theory, that bears only scant resemblance to quantum mechanics -- using a few of the same terms, but not sharing any of the mathematical foundations.


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