On Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 5:39:34 PM UTC, John Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 7:55 PM, <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote
>> *> when you factor into consideration that non locality persists in the 
>> many worlds postulated -- assuming you accept Bruce's analysis -- what 
>> exactly has been gained by asserting the MWI?*
> What has been gained is that in the MWI you don’t have to explain exactly 
> what a observation is

Aren't observations made in the MWI? Must be a new version you just 
invented. Also, as I have repeatedly stated, no need to bring in 
consciousness to QM. How many times must I remind you that Feynman 
explained that very clearly. AG

> or how consciousness works because they have nothing to due with it. We 
> assume the fundamental laws of physics are the same for matter that is 
> conscious and matter that is not, the Schrodinger wave equation says 
> nothing about it collapsing when a “measurement is observed” (whatever that 
> means), it was just stuck in there by the Copenhagen people.
>> > *The MWI has no testable consequences*
> That is not true. You demanded I provide such a test before and I did so 
> on a post to this list on December 14 2017. At the time your only comment 
> was "Never heard this before".

Please repeat it. AG

> *> Even one copy of an observer with same history as "original" observer 
>> is too much for me.*
> That could be but the universe doesn’t care if you like it or not.

It's a question of ornate or not, or in good taste or not. Boils down maybe 
to Occam's Razor. AG 

> John K Clark

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