> On 22 Jul 2019, at 13:45, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 7:28 PM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
> On 22 Jul 2019, at 07:01, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bhkellet...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 8:16 PM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
>> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
>> On 19 Jul 2019, at 22:47, Dan Sonik <danialso...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:danialso...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> >I think the main "leap of faith" that you make (and many others simply 
>>> >can't, because it >appears absurd) is somehow thinking that the completed 
>>> >computations are already "out >there,”
>>> If you agree that 2+2=4 implies Ex(x+2 = 4), or more simply that the 
>>> equation x+2=0 has a solution in the integers, then you have to believe 
>>> that the computations all exists in arithmetic. Peano Arithmetical proves 
>>> the existence of those computations, like it proves the existence of the 
>>> prime number.
>> This is your standard conflation of the Existential Quantifier over a domain 
>> with an ontology, Bruno.
> It is not a conflation. It is a necessary conclusion. 
> It is a clear conflation - necessay for no one. 

I don’t see the argument.

>> Or, equivalently, your oft-repeated assertion that people confuse "2+2=4" 
>> with 2+2=4. 
> ? (Yes, some people just did it many times just recently, but I don’t see the 
> relation with the ontological existence).
> Don't you, now. Maybe that explains quite a lot of what you are missing.

I don’t see an argument here.

>> What you refer to here is the fact that the word "dog" is not actually a 
>> dog, namely a 4-legged mammal that barks and greets you affectionately at 
>> the door. That is, the name is not the same as the physical object.
> The name of an object is not the same as the object (physical or not).
>> But that distinction does not exist for arithmetic -- given nominalism (the 
>> fact that the integers are not independently existing objects),
> But that is not among my assumption. My assumption is (at the meta-level) 
> only YD and CT.
> Who said it was among your assumptions? I state it as a fact that must be 
> taken into account.

Which facts? The primitive material existence?

That is not a fact, but a string axiom in metaphysics, for which there has 
never been an atom of evidence. Just a 1500 years of conflation of the notion 
of matter, in which we all believe, and primary matter, which is what mechanism 
put in doubt.

> Then, from this we show that the TOE is “only” elementary arithmetic, or 
> combinators, or any first order specification of a universal machinery, or 
> universal machine.
> But that "proof" requires exactly the conflation of an existential quantifier 
> with an ontology.

Counter examples: all the “E” used in all modes of the selves describes 
phenomenological existence, and none ontological existence, except the first 
(arithmetical truth).

> The difference between "2+2=4" and 2+2=4 is that one is the name for the 
> other. But the name is all that exists, so these are identical.

Even before Gödel, that was a big mistake. After Gödel, it means you have no 
idea of what the science of logic is studying. 

>> the name "2+2=4" is the same thing as 2+2=4.
> That is a huge mistake (even for a nominalist). It is beyond ridiculous.
> That is your mistake, not mine.

No. You are saying that “2+2=4” is the same as the fact that 2 + 2 is 4.

>> There is no object that differs from the name of the relationship expressed 
>> in 2+2=4. The claim "that all computations exist in arithmetic" has no 
>> content.
> Hmm… I *can* agree. It is a shortcut for the model (N, 0, +, *, s) satisfies 
> all the condition for the computations to be relatively run.
> The theory consisting of (N, 0, +, *, s)

(N, 0, +, *, s) is not a theory. It is a structured set, called a model. 

> is sufficiently rich for one to write down all arithmetical computations.

The sigma_1 truth is enough for this. N = (N, 0, +, *, s) is much more than 
that. To be sure. But neither the sigma_1 truth, nor N can be used by anyone to 
write down things. Those are realities able to satisfied, or not, some 
sentences made in a theory.

> But that does not bring these computations into existence -- you require pen 
> and paper and intelligence, or something equivalent, to do that. The 
> computations do not exist in the abstract.

You do philosophy at the place you are asked to not do philosophy. For AR, if 
you agree that x + 4 = 10 has a solution, that is enough to understand that you 
are emulated in arithmetic, and if you can explain me how a universal machine 
can distinguish by introspection an emulation of itself in arithmetic from an 
emulation in a “material” or “real” reality, you are welcome to elaborate on 

>> Peano arithmetic no more "proves" the existence of these computations than 
>> it proves the existence of the moon.
> In the Aristotelian metaphysics, that might be given some sense, but you 
> cannot invoke your metaphysics in a work in metaphysics.
> Oh dear. So all your work is a futile waste of time, then, is it? You invoke 
> your metaphysics all the time. I reject your metaphysics in order to 
> criticize it, by adopting a more reasonable metaphysical attitude.

But I made it precise and testable, where you invoke a notion never been made 
precise, nor used by any scientist, and just to avoid testing it, given that I 
show how to test your idea.

> That is the same, in metaphysics, as saying that the structure (N, +) refutes 
> group theory, in mathematics.
> No, it is not. Sarcasm is not your strong point, Bruno. 

Where is the difference. You invoke your metaphysical assumption to refute a 
theory which has different assumption. I don’t see any difference, and thus you 
accusation of sarcasme is futile.

>>> in some sort of Platonic superspace.
>> Not at all? Realism in arithmetic is only the statement that you have no 
>> objection to what is taught in primary school.
>> There you go again, Bruno: re-defining terms so that you are always right.
> Ad hominem
> Bullying yet again, Bruno.

On the contrary, accusing someone of something ridiculous is either straw man 
or bullying.

If you have an argument, we are listening.

> That only goes to show that you have no reasonable rebuttal of my point.
> + I only show how weak the realist assumption is.
>> "Realism", or more particularly, "arithmetical realism" means no such thing, 
>> Students are taught elementary calculations and multiplication tables in 
>> primary school, they are not taught philosophical platonism,.
> Of course. But we do metaphysics, and it is important to understand that the 
> metaphysics is in CT and “yes doctor”, not in the arithmetical realism, which 
> is used only to make sense of CT (needed to make mathematical precise sense 
> of “digital”).
> Without arithmetical realism (defined in the usual way, not as in 
> Brunospeak), you cannot get all computations  as existing in arithmetic, and 
> the dovetailer does not ever get off the ground. So your metaphysics is 
> strongly built in from the start. So don't you dare criticize me for my 
> metaphysics.

Do you agree with Euclid proof that there is an infinity of prime number? Or 
better: that there is no greatest prime number?

Then if you think I use more than that, show it to me.


> Bruce
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