On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 11:44:26 AM UTC-5, Jason wrote:
> ...
> Closest continuer theory is the "Copenhagen Interpretation" of personal 
> identity theory. A stop gap to preserve common sense notions in light of 
> paradoxes that imply the old way if thinking is untenable.
> As with quantum mechanics, common sense personal identity theories are 
> forced to either abandon any connection linking observer moments (like the 
> zero universe interpretation) or to a universalism that links all observers 
> to a single person (like many worlds).
> Personal identity theories based on psychological or bodily continuity can 
> always be shown to break down, either by holding the body the same and 
> changing the psyche, or holding the psyche the same and changing the body.
> "Oneself: the logic of experience" by Arnold Zuboff is a good introduction 
> to the reasoning.  Many thinkers, including Shrodinger, Dyson, and Hoyle 
> reached the same conclusion.
> Jason

One Self:

All experience is equally here, now and mine and all conscious organisms 
are equally I. My argument for this crucial further development is 
presented in ‘One Self – The Logic of Experience’, Inquiry 33 (1991): pp. 


Thus would radically differ from the ("real") materialist theory of 
selfhood of Galen Strawson. 

(To talk of 100% duplicate persons, A here, B there, is lurking 
functionalism, I think Strawson would say. A and B are not made of the same 


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