On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 7:45 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> You can write a program that outputs the string "2 + 2 = 5", but you'll
> never find a program that outputs a proof of 2 + 2 = 5 in any consistent
> and sound system of axioms.*

Even if your system is consistent there is no way you can prove its
consistent while remaining within the system, and if you go outside the
system to prove it then you've just kicked the problem upstairs and you
can't prove the meta system is consistent. And soundness means any formula
that you can derive from axioms, that is to say prove, is true. So if you've
got a error free proof that 2+2=4 how do you know it's true, how do you
know 2+2 isn't 5?  You're going to need a independent method of determining
the truth of that and there is only one way to do it, with physics. You put
2 hydrogen atoms on a scale and note it reads about 2, you put 2 more on
and it reads about 4. You never get exact integers but physics tells us
that 2+2=4 is a good approximation of the truth, so we make sure our axioms
and rules of inference produce that.

>From day one when we started to construct our mathematics we've tried to
make it consistent with physics but there have been a few bumps in the
road. It turns out that is some places (where spacetime is flat) Euclid's
fifth axiom is true but in other places (where spacetime is curved) it's
not true. And both the Axiom Of Choice and the Continuum Axiom involve
infinity and physics has no use for infinity so physics doesn't care if
those axioms are true or not, so there is no way to independently determine
their truth, so stuff based on them are the equivalent to mathematical
Harry Potter stories.

John K Clark

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