On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:45 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> > *When we prove that there is no biggest prime number, we don’t make the
> prime numbers being infinite. There was no biggest prime number "well
> before” Euclid proved it. *

Euclid proved that *IF* numbers have nothing to do with physics then there
are infinitely many primes. But that's a big if.

*> Any way, if you believe that stars are made of primitive matter, then
> you become inconsistent when saying “yes” to a digitalist doctor. *

Neither I or the "digitalist" (formerly digital) doctor give a damn if "stars
are made of primitive matter"  because IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

>> I don't know what it is today but Just a few days ago in the language of
> Brunospeak a belief in Mechanism mente saying "yes" to the digital
> *> Not digital. But “digitalist”. Unless you say only yes to a doctor who
> has itself already say yes to a doctor.*

Well now, that clears things up beautifully!

> what is the role of your primitive matter in consciousness

I don't care. My answer to the digital or digitized or digitalist doctor
has not changed, it's still yes. That means the day before yesterday I
believed in mechanism according to the Brunospeak meaning of the word, but
today I may or may not believe in mechanism, I'm not sure because my
Brunospeak is not up to date.

*> **(and what is your “primitive matter”, incidentally, can you give a
> theory of it,*


 John K Clark

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