On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 7:00 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Moving a point? If a physical particle moves from x to y then there is
> no longer a particle at x but now there is one at y where there was none
> before.
> > *You are assuming past points in time cease to exist.*

I don't know what you mean. I was clearly talking about a physical particle
NOT a point. If I'm on the 24th floor at 5PM and take a one minute elevator
ride to the lobby then at 5:01PM I no longer exist at the 24th floor but I
do exist at the lobby. But it doesn't work that way for points!

*> A point on line has a coordinate on that line. *

And that is *ALL* a point has, nothing else.

> *If the point moves then it's coordinate has changed. *

If the only thing that makes one point different from another point has
changed then what remains? What in the world are we talking about?

> * > You said there was no change in math, so the idea of a moving point
> makes no sense as a mathematical object. *


> > anything that changes can be viewed as something that is static with
> one more dimension added.

You can do that for any physical thing but not for an abstract convention,
not even for one that humans find very useful. You can plot the worldline
of a particle as it moves through 4D spacetime, but moving a point in 4D
spacetime through 4D spacetime makes no sense. Moving a point would be like
saying you've changed the distance from London to New York from 3,459 miles
to 5,567 kilometers, it's the same thing. You haven't really done anything
except change the way humans describe things.

*> So you can replace the notion of a point moving up and down a 1
> dimensional line with a 2 dimensional static view tracing that motion over
> time.  Could you not?*

I don't know because I don't know what "a point moving" means.

John K Clark

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