On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 1:01:23 AM UTC-6, Jason wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 12:02 AM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 4:34:28 PM UTC-6, Jason wrote:
>>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 3:06 PM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 7:46:27 AM UTC-6, Jason wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2019, 4:36 AM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 12:34:18 AM UTC-6, Jason wrote:
>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2019, Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 4:42:00 PM UTC-6, Jason wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 8:25 AM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 5:24:11 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 13 Sep 2019, at 04:26, Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 11:01:54 AM UTC-6, Alan 
>>>>>>>>>>> Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 7:45:22 AM UTC-6, Lawrence 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Crowell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 4:20:46 AM UTC-5, Philip 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thrift wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 11:45:41 PM UTC-5, Alan 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.wired.com/story/sean-carroll-thinks-we-all-exist-on-multiple-worlds/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many Worlds is where people go to escape from one world of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantum-stochastic processes. They are like vampires, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running away from sunbeams, are running away from probabilities.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @philipthrift
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This assessment is not entirely fair. Carroll and Sebens have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a paper on how supposedly the Born rule can be derived from MWI  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to read their paper, but given the newsiness of this I might get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to it. One 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> advantage that MWI does have is that it splits the world as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantum frame dragging that is nonlocal. This nonlocal property 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> useful for working with quantum gravity,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I worked a proof of a theorem, which may not be complete 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unfortunately, where the two sets of quantum interpretations that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are ψ-epistemic and those that are ψ-ontological are not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decidable. There 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is no decision procedure which can prove QM holds either way. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> proof is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> set with nonlocal hidden variables over the projective rays of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the state 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> space. In effect there is an uncertainty in whether the hidden 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> variables 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> localize extant quantities, say with ψ-ontology, or whether 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this localization is the generation of information in a local 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> context from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantum nonlocality that is not extant, such as with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ψ-epistemology. Quantum interprertations are then auxiliary 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> physical axioms or postulates. MWI and within the framework of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what Carrol 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Sebens has done this is a ψ-ontology, and this defines 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Born rule. If I am right the degree of ψ-epistemontic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nature is mixed. So the intriguing question we can address is the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nature of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Born rule and its tie into the auxiliary postulates of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantum 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpretations. Can a similar demonstration be made for the Born 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> within QuBism, which is what might be called the dialectic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> opposite of MWI?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To take MWI as something literal, as opposed to maybe a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> working system to understand QM foundations, is maybe taking 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> things too 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> far. However, it is a part of some open questions concerning the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fundamentals of QM. If MWI, and more generally postulates of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantum interpretations, are connected to the Born rule it makes 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interesting things to think about.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you read the link, it's pretty obvious that Carroll believes 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the many worlds of the MWI, literally exist. AG 
>>>>>>>>>>> Carroll also believes that IF the universe is infinite, then 
>>>>>>>>>>> there must exist exact copies of universes and ourselves. This is 
>>>>>>>>>>> frequently claimed by the MWI true believers, but never, AFAICT, 
>>>>>>>>>>> proven, or 
>>>>>>>>>>> even plausibly argued.  
>>>>>>>>>>> The idea comes from Tegmark, and I agree with you, it 
>>>>>>>>>>> necessitate more than an infinite universe. It requires also some 
>>>>>>>>>>> assumption of homogeneity.
>>>>>>>>>> Our universe is, on a large scale, homogeneous. But it can't be 
>>>>>>>>>> infinite since it has only been expanding for finite time, 13.8 BY. 
>>>>>>>>>> I had a 
>>>>>>>>>> discussion with Brent about this some time ago, and he claimed 
>>>>>>>>>> finite in 
>>>>>>>>>> time doesn't preclude infinite in space. I strongly disagree. 
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps I am 
>>>>>>>>>> missing something. Wouldn't be the first time. AG 
>>>>>>>>> I think what you may be missing is that in popular (but 
>>>>>>>>> misleading) accounts of the BB they often say everything originated 
>>>>>>>>> from a 
>>>>>>>>> point, rather than everywhere at once.  To say "everything came from 
>>>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>>>> point" is at best only valid for describing the observable universe 
>>>>>>>>> (or any 
>>>>>>>>> finite portion of the universe) but is invalid to extrapolate it to 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> whole universe, which may be spatially infinite.
>>>>>>>> I am not assuming our universe began from a mathematical point, but 
>>>>>>>> I do assume that 13.8 BYA it was very very small, the observable and 
>>>>>>>> unobservable parts.
>>>>>>> Why do you assume this?  Most cosmologists make no such assumption.  
>>>>>>> Under the concordance (standard assumed) model of cosmology, space is 
>>>>>>> infinite.
>>>>>>>>  I don't think there is an implied disconnect between our 
>>>>>>>> measurements of the CMBR and what an observer would measure in parts 
>>>>>>>> we 
>>>>>>>> have no access to. It was everywhere hot and dense, and very very 
>>>>>>>> small.
>>>>>>> There's no observational motivation for the universe being very very 
>>>>>>> small at the beginning.  It could have been small, large or infinite, 
>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>> all we know.
>>>>>> I've never read a description of inflation where the universe is 
>>>>>> described as very large spatially when it initiates. Never. It's always 
>>>>>> claimed it begins a few Planck durations (10^-43 seconds) after the BB, 
>>>>>> at 
>>>>>> which time the spatial diameter is many orders of magnitudes smaller 
>>>>>> than 
>>>>>> the diameter of a proton. It then expands to the diameter of the Earth 
>>>>>> or 
>>>>>> the Solar System before terminating, all this occuring within the first 
>>>>>> second after the BB. AG
>>>>> I think we need to clearly distinguish between three periods, which 
>>>>> are frequently confused:
>>>>> 1. "quantum vacuum phase" Size: ??? Time: ???
>>>>> If inflation began as a fluctuation in the vacuum, the vacuum was a 
>>>>> pre-existing initial condition. We can say nothing of it's size or how 
>>>>> long 
>>>>> it has existed.  Alternatively, this vacuum may have already been in a 
>>>>> state of exponential expansion and required no fluctuation to get started.
>>>>> 2. "Inflation start" Size: (min = Planck size, max = ???) Time: (min = 
>>>>> fraction of second before hot stage of BB, max = finite but otherwise 
>>>>> unlimited time ago).
>>>>> If inflation started as a fluctuation it could have started very 
>>>>> small, but it would then grow exponentially forever.  How big it was when 
>>>>> it stopped for us we can't say, but we can guess it had to have gone on 
>>>>> for 
>>>>> at least 10^-32 seconds to fit with observations.  This is only the 
>>>>> minimum 
>>>>> time, there's no known upper bound.  There's not necessarily any cooling 
>>>>> during this time as the heat doesn't enter the picture until inflation 
>>>>> begins to stop somewhere.
>>>>> 3. "Local inflation end", Size of inflating space: (undefined but ever 
>>>>> growing), Size of pocket from outside: (finite but growing), Apparent 
>>>>> size 
>>>>> of pocket from inside: (finite or infinite depending on shape of the 
>>>>> universe), Time: 13.8 BY ago.
>>>>> The "T = 0 of the BB" no longer makes sense in the inflation picture, 
>>>>> the only place we can begin to speak of absolutes with time is when we 
>>>>> speak of the local end to inflation in our pocket.
>>>>> Jason
>>>> I'll say it again. One the main reasons to posit inflation is to 
>>>> explain the observable large scale homogeneity of a universe that is now 
>>>> NOT causally connected. If the universe was very very tiny when inflation 
>>>> started, it WAS then causally connected,
>>> The *observable* part of the universe is posited to have once been 
>>> causally connected to come to thermal equilibrium but not necessarily the 
>>> entire universe.
>> OK, but based on our best measurements, we live in a closed, accelerating 
>> and expanding hypersphere, since the curvature is NOT zero and NOT negative.
> Do you have a citation for this?  All the estimates I am familiar with 
> assume a flat or slightly open shape.
>> I prefer to go with what we think we know, rather than with a model which 
>> is completely speculative. AG
> Which is what?

I am looking for a citation, but I recall that someone on this thread 
stated the measured curvature is close to zero, but POSITIVE. AG 

>>>> and inflation preserved the homogeneity. This is what Guth was trying 
>>>> to solve with inflation, among other problems, such as no detectable 
>>>> monopoles. This entire logic breaks down if one assumes an infinite 
>>>> universe at the time of inflation.
>>> Correct, using inflation and previous causal connectedness does not 
>>> produce for homogeneity of temperature to all parts of the universe if the 
>>> universe is infinite.
>> So far, as I just stated, our best evidence
> There's no evidence either way, as far as I am aware, which is why i is 
> still considered an open question.  If you can point me to some evidence I 
> would be interested.
>> does NOT suggest an infinite universe. AG
> What are you calling as the universe here?  How are you defining it?  

I am referring to our bubble, which arose with the BB, and refers to the 
observable and UNobservable regions (not to the possibly infinite substrate 
from which it arose). AG 

>>>   At best it can only extend to some finite region of that universe.  
>>> But once you are working in an inflationary model, you already have 
>>> accepted there is a large scale where the universe is not homogenous 
>>> (pocket regions vs. the rapidly inflating regions of vacuum).
>> I don't see why assuming inflation implies acceptance of large parts of 
>> the UNobservable universe which is NOT homogeneous. AG  
> Because decay events of the vacuum do not happen everywhere at once, this 
> leads to isolated "pocket universes" separated by exponentially expanding 
> space.  The inhomogenity I am referring to are the different parts of the 
> vacuum in different energy states.
>>>> In this case, the infinite universe was always homogeneous even though 
>>>> it was never causally connected. 
>>> That is another possibility that avoids inflation as an explanation of 
>>> homogeneity:  To simply assume everything at all places began at the same 
>>> temperature and density.
>> If so, why did Guth think homogeneity needed an explanation? On its face, 
>> thermal equilibrium for a non causally connected universe seems improbable. 
>> AG
> It came for free, with the other explanations.  On its own, I am not sure 
> it would be justified to trade one assumption for another, but inflation 
> replaced 4 or 5 assumptions with a single one, which is its main strength.
>>>> Further, how could it have been so hot 380,000 years after the BB if it 
>>>> wasn't dense at that time?
>>> Actually the universe was not very dense at the time of 380,000 years.  
>>> It was billions of times more sparse than Earth's atmosphere.  Each time 
>>> the scale factor 
>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_factor_(cosmology)> halves going 
>>> backwards in time, the temperature doubles, and the density increases by a 
>>> factor of 8 (2 cubed).  You can follows this backwards at least until the 
>>> temperature is about 10^27 K, far far hotter and denser than 380,000 years, 
>>> back to a time just a fraction of a second after inflation ended.
>> Yes, it was far hotter and denser just after the BB, than at 380,000 
>> years. 
> Okay.
>> But contrary to what you allege above and below, it must have far hotter 
>> and denser at 380,000 years, than it is today, 2.7 deg K, so hot and dense 
>> that it was opaque to light. 
> I'm not sure how this is contrary to what I say above and below...  I 
> agree it was hotter and denser the farther back you go.

And smaller as well? (BTW, "smaller" can't be a property of a spatially 
infinite universe.) It had to have gotten smaller to explain its present 
homogeneity. I want to avoid the assumption that homogeneity can arise 
spontaneously in a causally DIS-connected universe, the one we observe. And 
I don't believe that at 380,000 years it was less dense than our atmosphere 
(as you earlier alleged). AG 

>> I am just saying that it does seem to be cooling as it expands, 
> Yes.
>> and the curvature data seems to imply smallness just after the BB. 
> What curvature data are you referring to?  The latest Planck data say the 
> curvature is flat to within the limits of our measurement accuracy.  Is 
> there a new result that indicates positive curvature?

"Flat" means curvature is exactly zero; that is, flat like a Euclidean 
plane. But if we measure slightly positive, which I think is the case, it 
must be a closed hyperspace, but HUGE. Physicists tend to equate "almost 
flat", which if true would mean a huge spherical hyperspace, with Euclidean 
flat. This is a persistent error. AG 

What I don't understand is why, a universe with accelerating expansion, 
must be open, like a saddle. Why can't a spherical hyperspace retain its 
closure if its expansion is accelerating? AG

>> Moreover, applying the Cosmological principle, it couldn't have been 
>> homogeneous on large scale in the finite observable region, and at the same 
>> time infinite and non-homogeneous in regions we can't observe. AG
> It all comes down to scale.  At the scale of stars or galaxies, the 
> universe is non homogeneous, on the scale of super clusters and above it 
> is, but at larger scales of inflating vacuums and pocket universes, again 
> it is non homogeneous, but perhaps if you zoom out far enough the picture 
> becomes homogeneous again.  The non-homogeneous part I am referring to can 
> be seen as the spiky image, a rendering of eternal inflation: 
> https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2011/10/21/the-eternally-existing-self-reproducing-frequently-puzzling-inflationary-universe/

I would forget about inflating vacuums and pocket universes, which are 
totally speculative, and focus on what we can observe -- which, on a large 
scale, is homogeneous. Why trash the Cosmological Principle by appealig to 
unobservable phenomena? AG 

> Jason
>>>> An infinite universe right after the BB would be COOL, 
>>> Right after inflation predicts it could have been as high as 10^27 
>>> degrees.
>>> Our observations agree with our theory which predicts at about 1 second 
>>> it was 10s of billions of degrees, falling to 10s of millions of degrees 
>>> after 20 minutes.
>>> At 380,000 years the temperature was about 3000 degrees.
>>> At 13.8 billion years it is about 2.7 degrees.
>>> From: http://kias.dyndns.org/astrophys/cosmology.html
>>> eventtemperature (K)scale factornow / scale factorthentime
>>> strong forces freeze out 1027 3.7 * 1026 10-35 s
>>> weak forces freeze out 1015 3.7 * 1014 10-10 s
>>> protons, neutrons freeze out 1013 3.7 * 1012 0.0001 s
>>> neutrinos <http://kias.dyndns.org/astrophys/particles.html> decouple 3 
>>> * 1010 1.1 * 1010 1 s
>>> electrons freeze out 6 * 109 2.2 * 109 100 s
>>> primordial 2H, 4He form 9 * 108 3.3 * 108 2-15 minutes
>>> eventtemperature (K)scale factornow / scale factorthentime
>>> photons decouple, atoms form 3000 1091 377000 years
>>> first stars 60 10.4 109 years
>>> today 2.73 1 1.378 * 1010 years
>>> and COOLER after 380,000 years had elapsed. All of the foregoing makes a 
>>>> decent case for a universe which was very very tiny right after the BB. AG 
>>> I still see no connection between the temperature at time 380,000 years, 
>>> and the size of the universe.  Can you do more to explain more why you 
>>> think there is a relation?  I can see how you might relate the initial 
>>> temperature and density at an earlier time to the temperature and density 
>>> after 380,000 years, but I am not seeing how you relate the size of the 
>>> universe to either the temperature or density at time 380,000 years.
>>> Jason
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