On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:59 AM Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com>

> *Not a plausible answer. It would mean that all possible universes which
> could be created, existed prior to the BB, or forever backward in time.
> That is, It assumes the universe "knows" in advance that some lab guy will
> do a double slit experiment.*

That's called backward causality, and I think it's an implausible answer
too, but the fact is those guys in the lab came up with bizarre
experimental results that can not be dismissed as your flying saucer men in
New Mexico can be because unlike that this bizarre stuff can and has been
repeated many thousands of times; there is no doubt it's real and something
weird is going on, the only question is how weird. Backward causality is
one explanation for these very odd results but Many Worlds doesn't need it
and Hugh Everett thought his idea was a little less bizarre than backward
causality, and so do I. One thing is certain, whatever the truth turns out
to be it's going to be STRANGE.

 John K Clark

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