On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:24:28 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
> On 10/8/2019 2:59 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 2:40:33 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote: 
> That MWI entails other, unobservable "worlds" is neither a bug or a 
>> feature, it's just one answer to the measurement problem.  If you have a 
>> better answer, feel free to state it.
>> Brent
> MWI, according to Sabine Hossenfelder, is not an answer - in the final 
> analysis - to the measurement problem
> http://backreaction.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-trouble-with-many-worlds.html
> The many world interpretation, now, supposedly does away with the problem 
> of the quantum measurement and it does this by just saying there isn’t such 
> a thing as wavefunction collapse. Instead, many worlds people say, every 
> time you make a measurement, the universe splits into several parallel 
> worlds, one for each possible measurement outcome. This universe splitting 
> is also sometimes called branching.
> Some people have a problem with the branching because it’s not clear just 
> exactly when or where it should take place, but I do not think this is a 
> serious problem, it’s just a matter of definition. No, the real problem is 
> that after throwing out the measurement postulate, the many worlds 
> interpretation needs another assumption, that brings the measurement 
> problem back.
> The reason is this. In the many worlds interpretation, if you set up a 
> detector for a measurement, then the detector will also split into several 
> universes. Therefore, if you just ask “what will the detector measure”, 
> then the answer is “The detector will measure anything that’s possible with 
> probability 1.”
> This, of course, is not what we observe. We observe only one measurement 
> outcome. 
> The implication is that the above two sentences are contrasting.  But 
> nobody asks "what will the detector measure".  The question asked by the 
> experimenter is "which measurement outcome will the detector detect", which 
> is perfectly consistent with "we observe only one measurement outcome"
> The many worlds people explain this as follows. Of course you are not 
> supposed to calculate the probability for each branch of the detector. 
> Because when we say detector, we don’t mean all detector branches together. 
> You should only evaluate the probability relative to the detector in one 
> specific branch at a time.
> I can't even parse that.  You are supposed to calculate the probability of 
> each possible measurement outcome and those characterize the branch.  It is 
> NOT calculating "each branch of the detector" unless you are defining those 
> "branches" by what the measurement outcome is.
> That sounds reasonable. Indeed, it is reasonable. It is just as reasonable 
> as the measurement postulate. In fact, it is logically entirely equivalent 
> to the measurement postulate. 
> It's not clear here what "logically" equivalent means.  It is 
> instrumentally equivalent...which is why it's an interpretation and not a 
> different theory (as GRW is).  It's different from the measurement 
> postulate in that the measurement postulate says the wave function 
> instantaneously changes to match the observed measured value.  MWI says 
> those other measured values obtain in other orthogonal subspaces of the 
> Hilbert space and you are only observing one.  Those are not "logically" 
> the same.
> The measurement postulate says: Update probability at measurement to 100%. 
> The detector definition in many worlds says: The “Detector” is by 
> definition only the thing in one branch. 
> What does "only the thing in one branch mean". In MWI there are 
> projections of the detector in subspaces which differ only by the value 
> detected.
> Now evaluate probabilities relative to this, which gives you 100% in each 
> branch. Same thing.
> And because it’s the same thing you already know that you cannot derive 
> this detector definition from the Schrödinger equation. 
> ?? You can't derive the definition of any physical object from the 
> Schroedinger equation.  You put in the Hamiltonian of the object and 
> whatever it interacts with and the initial ray in Hilbert space and the 
> Schroedinger equation tells you how it evolves
> It’s not possible. What the many worlds people are now trying instead is 
> to derive this postulate from rational choice theory. But of course that 
> brings back in macroscopic terms, like actors who make decisions and so on. 
> In other words, this reference to knowledge is equally in conflict with 
> reductionism as is the Copenhagen interpretation.
> I agree with that point.  But once you suppose a probabilistic 
> interpretation of the Hilbert space, then Gleason's theorem implies the 
> Born rule.  That still leaves a small gap in saying why it has 
> probabilistic interpretation at all.  Whether "self-locating uncertainty" 
> is an adequate answer seems to me to require more analysis of human 
> thought; although showing the brain is a quasi-classical information 
> processor goes a long way.
> Brent
> *And that’s why the many worlds interpretation does not solve the 
> measurement problem* and therefore it is equally troubled as all other 
> interpretations of quantum mechanics. What’s the trouble with the other 
> interpretations? We will talk about this some other time. So stay tuned.
> @philipthrift
Sabine later goes on in a comment to say that 

       "to correctly sum up the total energy, you have to weigh the energy 
in each branch
       with the probability of that branch"

In the end, I think Sabine's application of probability is a  mess.

And to put "self-locating uncertainty" into the mix (now QM is human-brain 
dependent) makes things worse.

I posted a course notes of a pedagogical approach of applying probability 
theory to the conventional Hilbert space QM here:
       Quantum Probability Theory (by Jan Swart)

So  QPT and QMT (Quantum Measure Theory, by Rafael Sorkin) both take 
probability seriously in a mathematically pedagogical way, but in Many 
Worlds (Interpretation) it just looks like a Mega Waste.


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