On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 7:55 PM 'Brent Meeker' <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*>>> What about the world in which a K40 atom in JKC's blood stream decayed
> compared to one in which it didn't?*

>> What about it?
> * > Does it produce another world?*

Do I really have to spell this out? I have said over and over that if Many
Worlds is true then ANY change produces another world, a K40 atom in my
bloodstream decaying is obviously a change, so obviously another world is

*> I think (and know from experiments) that the measurement in an
> orthogonal basis is necessary to have an interference pattern appear.  If
> you just leave welcher weg information encoded somewhere there won't be
> interference.  *

That's nice, and that is also obviously true. If the which way information
is encoded then obviously the worlds will be different, so obviously they
will not merge, so obviously there will be no ambiguity about the photon's
path, so obviously there is no interference. But in Deutsch's proposed
exparament where is that which way information encoded?? And what exactly
is your prediction anyway? There can be only 2 possibilities, at the end of
the experiment when the photographic plate is developed will there be
interference bands on it or will there not be? When Deutsch's experiment is
actually performed, and someday it will be, I have already said I would
give 2 to 1 odds that there WILL be interference bands on that all
important photographic plate, so now it's your turn to put your money where
your mouth is as I have done. How would you place your bet?

John K Clark

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