On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 6:35:10 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 10/20/2019 4:58 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 11:35:13 AM UTC-6, Brent wrote: 
>> On 10/19/2019 6:56 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>> Sean says the decoherence time is 10^(-20) sec. So when the box is 
>>> closed, the cat is in a superposition of alive and dead during that time 
>>> interval, assuming the decay hasn't happened. If that's the case, I don't 
>>> see how decoherence solves the paradox, unless we can assume an initial 
>>> condition where the probability of one component of the superposition, that 
>>> the cat is dead, is zero. Maybe this is the solution. What do you think? AG
>> Maybe this is an easier question; after decoherence, assuming the 
>> radioactive source hasn't decayed, what is the wf of the cat?  Is the cat 
>> in a mixed state, alive or dead with some probabIlity for each? AG
>> You can't "assume the radioactive source hasn't decayed".  The point 
>> Schroedinger's thought experiment is that when the box is closed you don't 
>> know whether or not it has decayed and so it is in a superposition of 
>> decayed and not-decayed and the cat is correlated with these states, so it 
>> is also in a superposition of dead and alive.
>> Brent
> I thought you might say this. OK, then what function does decoherence have 
> in possibly solving the apparent paradox of a cat alive and dead 
> simultaneously. TIA, AG 
> It doesn't necessarily solve "that problem".  Rather it shows why you can 
> never detect such a state, assuming you buy Zurek's idea of envariance.  
> One way to look at it is it's the answer to Heisenberg's question: Where is 
> the cut between the quantum and the classical?  Once envriance has acted, 
> then the result is classical, i.e. you can ignore the other possibilities 
> and renormalize the wave function.
> Brent

Woudn't you agree that if the system, in the case a cat, goes classical 
after 10^(-20) sec, its state must be a mixture at that point in time even 
if the box hasn't been opened?  AG 

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