On Monday, October 28, 2019 at 5:37:54 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 26 Oct 2019, at 22:15, Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 4:53:00 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 5:07:34 PM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>> On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 12:56:29 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 9:27:14 AM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, October 21, 2019 at 6:21:26 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, October 21, 2019 at 12:03:20 AM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/20/2019 10:46 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 6:35:10 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 10/20/2019 4:58 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 11:35:13 AM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 10/19/2019 6:56 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sean says the decoherence time is 10^(-20) sec. So when the box is 
>>>>>>>>>> closed, the cat is in a superposition of alive and dead during that 
>>>>>>>>>> time 
>>>>>>>>>> interval, assuming the decay hasn't happened. If that's the case, I 
>>>>>>>>>> don't 
>>>>>>>>>> see how decoherence solves the paradox, unless we can assume an 
>>>>>>>>>> initial 
>>>>>>>>>> condition where the probability of one component of the 
>>>>>>>>>> superposition, that 
>>>>>>>>>> the cat is dead, is zero. Maybe this is the solution. What do you 
>>>>>>>>>> think? AG
>>>>>>>>> Maybe this is an easier question; after decoherence, assuming the 
>>>>>>>>> radioactive source hasn't decayed, what is the wf of the cat?  Is the 
>>>>>>>>> cat 
>>>>>>>>> in a mixed state, alive or dead with some probabIlity for each? AG
>>>>>>>>> You can't "assume the radioactive source hasn't decayed".  The 
>>>>>>>>> point Schroedinger's thought experiment is that when the box is 
>>>>>>>>> closed you 
>>>>>>>>> don't know whether or not it has decayed and so it is in a 
>>>>>>>>> superposition of 
>>>>>>>>> decayed and not-decayed and the cat is correlated with these states, 
>>>>>>>>> so it 
>>>>>>>>> is also in a superposition of dead and alive.
>>>>>>>>> Brent
>>>>>>>> I thought you might say this. OK, then what function does 
>>>>>>>> decoherence have in possibly solving the apparent paradox of a cat 
>>>>>>>> alive 
>>>>>>>> and dead simultaneously. TIA, AG 
>>>>>>>> It doesn't necessarily solve "that problem".  Rather it shows why 
>>>>>>>> you can never detect such a state, assuming you buy Zurek's idea of 
>>>>>>>> envariance.  One way to look at it is it's the answer to Heisenberg's 
>>>>>>>> question: Where is the cut between the quantum and the classical?  
>>>>>>>> Once 
>>>>>>>> envriance has acted, then the result is classical, i.e. you can ignore 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> other possibilities and renormalize the wave function.
>>>>>>>> Brent
>>>>>>> Woudn't you agree that if the system, in the case a cat, goes 
>>>>>>> classical after 10^(-20) sec, its state must be a mixture at that point 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> time even if the box hasn't been opened?  AG 
>>>>>>> In MWI it's only a mixture FAPP.  But if you haven't opened the box 
>>>>>>> (and Schroedinger was assuming an ideal box) you don't know whether the 
>>>>>>> cat 
>>>>>>> has "gone classical" or not.  So your representation of its state is 
>>>>>>> still 
>>>>>>> a superposition.  That's the QBist interpretation.  The wf is just what 
>>>>>>> you 
>>>>>>> know about the system.
>>>>>> Please remind me; if the wf is a *superposition* before the box is 
>>>>>> opened, what exactly does this mean? That is, what does 
>>>>>> *interference* mean in this circumstance? TIA, AG
>>>>> Please indulge me on this. At this point I have no clue what 
>>>>> superposition and/or interference means in this context. TIA, AG 
>>>> All these are couched in the vocabulary of the formulation and 
>>>> interpretation of the theory one begins with, and so they have ambiguous 
>>>> meanings.
>>>> @philipthrift 
>>> Can you answer the question assuming the CI? AG 
>> Just translate this into "CI", in whatever terms you like. It gives the 
>> same answers, so what difference does it make?
>> *The probability P for an event to occur is given by the square of the 
>> complex magnitude of a quantum amplitude for the event, Q. The quantum 
>> amplitude Q associated with an event is the sum of the amplitudes  
>> associated with every history leading to the event.*
>> [This] specifies how probabilities are to be computed. *This item builds 
>> the concept of superposition, and thus the possibility of quantum 
>> interference, directly into the formulation.* Specifying that the 
>> probability for an event is given as the magnitude-squared of a sum made 
>> from complex numbers, allows for negative, positive and intermediate 
>> interference effects. This part of the formulation thus builds the 
>> description of experiments such as the two-slit experiment directly into 
>> the formulation. A history is a sequence of fundamental processes leading 
>> to the the event in question. 
>> http://muchomas.lassp.cornell.edu/8.04/Lecs/lec_FeynmanDiagrams/node3.html
>> @philipthrift
> Sorry, I really don't get it. 
> Nobody does, really. Even if the mechanist know the why, the how will 
> still delude us for long. Like many said; to understand QM is to understand 
> that there is a big metaphysical problem there.
> For me "interference" refers to waves which cross each other and add their 
> amplitudes, positively and negatively. 
> OK.
> Why, if we give a probability interpretation to the amplitudes, does this 
> have anything to do with interference, particularly for a wf for S's cat 
> which is entangled with the wf of a radioactive source? AG 
> Because if we send just one particle, we can predict some place where we 
> will with certainty not find the particle, so that we have to take into 
> account the wave “associated” to one single particle. 

That's what I did; assume a single UNOBSERVED particle acts as a wave and 
interferes with itself as two waves emerge from two slits, which will 
sometimes result in 100% destructive interference.  But I have to consider 
whether this model applies to C60. Not sure of that at this time. AG

Now, EPR Bell, but already Einstein at the Solvay congress in 1927, 
> explains why a mechanical/physical association of the particles with the 
> wave (like with hidden variable) will not do, without adding FTL actions, 
> or introducing super-determinism, or killing Realism in Physics.

Keep in mind that the wave I have been referring to, is a probability wave, 
not a physical wave. AG 

> Yes, wave interfere and that is the problem when the wave seems to 
> describe either our own knowledge/ignorance, or a single particles. There 
> are less problem, and perhaps no serious problem at all, when we accept 
> that the physicists obeys to the wave formalism too, in which case we get 
> coherent set of histories, like Mechanism predicted. In that case we can 
> understand that the laws of physics originates in the statistics on all 
> relative computations.
> Bruno
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