Actually Alan, your comment proves what a study last year indicated, that 
dedicated ideologists (they measured libs) are immensely intolerant of any 
opposing pov, ao I kind of expected this because it goes against the holy 
"narrative." You want to pretend, Team dem is magically virtuous? Indeed, plow 
on ahead.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grayson <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 1, 2020 1:09 am
Subject: Re: Trump suggests delaying the election

I won't continue discussing politics with a right wing retard. If republicans 
in the Senate want to take the weekend off without dealing with the dire issues 
at hand, they deserve to see their courts burn. AG

On Friday, July 31, 2020 at 1:38:48 PM UTC-6, wrote:
Choke holds out are ok with me, now will the local dems cease and desist crime, 
murder & arson in their zones? Look to Lighfoot as an eample.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grayson <>
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups. com>
Sent: Thu, Jul 30, 2020 9:48 pm
Subject: Re: Trump suggests delaying the election

If the republican Senate can't illegalize choke holds, maybe it's time to burn 
down a few federal courts to send a message. AG

On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 4:40:38 PM UTC-6, wrote:

Its happening everywhere the democrats run the center cities, everywhere. Not 
just Chicago, or Detroit, but everywhere the dem klan rules. Team dem is good 
with fire and smoke, and perhaps unless your are involved with the DNC Planning 
Committee (?) the dems at governor and city level are doing what appeal to the 
democrat voter. Alinsky's Rule 6Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. 
"If your people aren't having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong 
with the tactic."
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all 
events of the period for your purpose. "The major premise for tactics is the 
development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the 
opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your 
Orange Man didn't fall for the DNC Kent State/Jackson State replay of May 1970. 
Dude's quite calculating indeed!

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grayson <>
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups. com>
Sent: Thu, Jul 30, 2020 4:21 pm
Subject: Re: Trump suggests delaying the election

You've been drinking the kool-aid. I've never heard one democratic politician 
advocating violence. Not one; never. Yet you claim to be a mind reader, by 
referencing radical Black Panthers of the 1960's as if that represents the BLM. 
Democrats know that violence will discredit the BLM movement. You want to do a 
broad-brush denigration of a righteous movement. There are always fringe 
elements that want violence, but it's people like you who buy Trump's BS and 
support depriving the vast majority of Americans their First Amendment rights, 
as what happened in Lafayette Square a few weeks ago. It was patently obvious 
that the unmarked police were inciting violence. I saw it as it was happening! 
If DiBlasio isn't doing enough in NYC to curtail violence, he should be called 
out for it. But this isn't what you're doing. Did it ever occur to you, that 
there would be less violence if the republicans in the Senate would pass a 
police reform bill, but they refuse even to outlaw the choke hold? Neither does 
Trump endorse it. AG
On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 1:47:24 PM UTC-6, wrote:
Alan, especially relying on mere words, over rational actions, (we're talking 
95% lawyers who are politicians here) we can see the policy is. It's a rehash 
of the Eldridge Cleaver's statement of "Burn Baby Burn!," circa 1965 Watts and 
Detroit "race: riots. I do remember LA 1992 Riot Fan and provocateur, Rep 
Maxine Waters, saying similar things last week. When Orange Man says things 
like "beautiful," I smile and nod because, just because we all were born upon a 
night, it wasn't last night. Not standing up to people (say, DiBlasio) 
arresting arsonists and looters on the spot, speaks intent, even, repeated 
across every democratic party zone (Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, NYC, 
Louisville, LA, Denver..etc). The kind of lying about intent was also seen 
60-70 years ago during the genuine civil rights marches and integration, Favus, 
George Wallace, oh, yes and democratic party KKK Kleagle, Senator Robert Byrd 
from West Virginia. If you need me to, I can look up some dem statements 
endorsing or sympathizing with rioters, looters, arsonists, and now terrorists 
(Smells like Weatherman Faction SDS, Symbionese Liberation Army revived, also 
Black Panthers). I do wonder what Bruno will think when we start breaking 
apart? Will he have expected this, from such "crazy Ami's," or will it be a 
shock? Interesting, huh?
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grayson <>
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups. com>
Sent: Thu, Jul 30, 2020 2:53 pm
Subject: Re: Trump suggests delaying the election

Strong evidence? What is it? Which democrat politicians are encouraging 
looting? I can't recall a single one advocating that. Not one! AG

On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 12:33:24 PM UTC-6, wrote:
Eh! Derangement syndrome again. Yet, its democrat politicians encouraging the 
Vanguard of the Proletariat to burn and loot your center cities, to say, damage 
the economy, so orange man won't be elected. There is strong evidence of mail 
ballots mysteriously gone missing, so I doubt if the members of the postal 
union can be trusted to deliver ballots. What I suspect is that beyond legal 
challenges that are sure to occur, whomever appears to win. Thus, what was the 
US will descend into open civil conflict. It's not about the orange real estate 
dude, it's about the rest of us. For instance, I am not a social conservative 
at all. I hold that your Alcor bet might be a smart one, or that your 
estimation that humanity  will cause the development of Matrioshka brains, 
eventually, accurate. As of now, the Vanguard Proles are causing discouragement 
with the archetypal Hillary voter (2016) and causing a drop out for Biden, 
(Kamala) because they really don't wish BLM-Antifa governance. Since the police 
pulled out of the Millwaukee convention, I suspect that NOI's Fruit of Islam 
will do the policing there. Call it  a precursor. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: everyth...@googlegroups. com
Sent: Thu, Jul 30, 2020 9:56 am
Subject: Trump suggests delaying the election

Trump just Tweeted:
"With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will 
be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great 
embarrassment to the USA, Delay the Election until people can properly, 
securely and safely vote???"

Trump floats delaying election despite lack of authority to do so

John K Clark-- 
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