On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 8:01 AM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Sure.  But Albert's argument is that in a single, probabilistic world that
> implements Born's rule, the number of scientist who find something contrary
> to Born's rule goes to zero as the number of repetitions increases.  But in
> the multiverse there are always contrary worlds and, while their fraction
> decreases, their number increases with repetitions.

That is really the essential difference between Everettian notions of
probability and standard probabilistic theory/practice. In the Everettian
repeated experiment case, disconfirming cases occur with probability one,
so it is strictly incoherent to claim (as Everettians, such as Sean
Carroll, do) that these "monster" results can be ignored because they have
low probability. The only thing that that can mean is that you are
justified in ignoring them because they have low frequency: but that is a
different definition of probability -- a frequentist notion that all
reject. At best, what they might mean is that if you take all outcomes as
equally likely, then the probability that you will get a low frequency
outcome by chance in a random selection from the uniform distribution over
all possibilities, is low. But that introduces yet another source of
probability. It might be what is necessarily entailed in a definition of
probability in terms of self-locating uncertainty, but it still involves
one in the absurdity of claiming that things that necessarily happen have
low probability. We cannot consistently claim in one breath that the
probability is one, and in another breath, that  probability is "low".


> Brent
> On 9/3/2020 12:02 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
> Hi,
> as there will be persons in self duplicate experiment who'll see WWW...WW.
> But most should converge on 50%.
> Quentin

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