On Monday, September 28, 2020 at 12:51:23 AM UTC-6, spudb...@aol.com wrote:
> The daily assaults by the democrat's Vanguard of the Proletariat, and we 
> can go onto twitter and view these, performed by BLMTifa upon average 
> Americans seems to (I am guessing) sewn the election up for Orange Dude. I 
> read the Handmaids tale years ago, and looked at the video presentations of 
> the book, and noted that the author, Margaret Atwood, and saw the 
> differences in premise. In Atwood's book, it was the annihilation of modern 
> civilization that sent the world backwards, and that dark age was brought 
> upon by a nuclear war, tween, Reagan's American, and the old USSR. The 
> filmed version was changed to reflect pollution as the villain, and now the 
> series is to reflect a climate change disaster. 
>  By the way, Bruno, remember, as I know you must all the claims from 
> physicists that a nuclear war will ensue if NATO placed Pershing missiles 
> in western Europe to counteract the Soviets placing mobile SS-18's & 20's. 
> This threat of Nuclear Winter was also served to us, by the single-sided 
> disarmament groups (Pro-Soviets). So, we'd not only be incinerated in a 
> nuclear fire but we'd also be frozen to death after we were all already 
> dead.Some of these were scientists who promoted this, indicating to me, 
> that scientist's political leanings can overcome their best analytical 
> capacities.
> In the US, the democrats (I used to be a life-long one!) has given 
> themselves up to a shared, autocratic form of government (I assert) that is 
> simply a Junta composed of street Stalinists, who seem to be funded by 
> Crony Capitalist billionaires. It's also, at least here in the States, 
> similar, to their take on Climate Change which unlike the EU isn't 
> focusing on Green Hydrogen as a replacement energy form (initiated by 
> wind turbines at Sea), and have nothing but opposition to say, uranium 
> fission, or natural gas. Nothing will keep their cities and states lighted, 
> except wishing thinking on their part. I will always take a callous, 
> rationalist, like Orange Dude, over psychotic, idealists, that my democrats 
> have become. The true dystopia is not Atwood's HandMaids, but the democrat 
> areas, where their fascists run the streets. Portland is still afire...

*Democrats as psychotic idealists? I think you're in dire need of emergency 
brain surgery. Can you describe a single police reform the US federal 
government has approved under Trump since Floyd was murdered in plain 
sight? AG *

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be <javascript:>>
> To: everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2020 9:45 am
> Subject: Re: The Handmaid's Tale
> On 27 Sep 2020, at 00:05, John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> The new US supreme court nominee will be Amy Coney Barrett, and she is 
> just the sort of person you would expect, a religious crockpot. She is a 
> member of an extreme right wing Catholic cult called "The People of 
> Praise"; they speak in tongues, believe in biblical prophecy, and in divine 
> healing. Members of the cult swear a lifetime oath of allegiance to one 
> another and are assigned a ideology coach called a “head” for men and a 
> “HANDMAID” for women to make sure nobody strays from the official dogma. 
> The "heads" and "handmaids" issue orders on who to date, who to marry, 
> where to live, whether to take a job, whether to buy a home, and how to 
> raise children. Part of the ideology of People of Praise is that husbands 
> should give orders to their wives and only men should have authority over 
> the family. 
> During her confirmation hearing in 2017 to be a federal judge Barrett said 
>  "*I take my faith seriously and I’m a faithful Catholic*". In 2013 she 
> said: "*I tend to agree with those who say that a Justice’s duty is to 
> the Constitution and that it is thus more legitimate for her to enforce her 
> best understanding of the Constitution rather than a precedent she thinks 
> clearly in conflict with it*"; and as a judge she approved a Indiana law 
> banning abortions of a deformed fetus (although her opinion was later 
> overturned by a higher court and the Indiana law ruled unconstitutional). 
> So when she is approved Roe v. Wade Will be as dead as a doornail and we're 
> back to the 1950's and coathanger abortions. Barrett also criticized Chief 
> Justice Roberts for his opinion that saved Obama’s Affordable Care Act; so 
> in the middle of a global pandemic the health care coverage of tens of 
> millions of people will be as dead as a doornail too when she hears her 
> first case on October 10. 
> To those who claim Barrett's religious views will not effect her legal 
> opinions I will remind you that in 2006 she said  “*If you can keep in 
> mind that your fundamental purpose in life is not to be a lawyer, but to 
> know, love and serve God, you truly will be a different kind of lawyer.*”
> Amy Coney Barret would also be the youngest justice on the bench, so she 
> could be around for many decades.
> What does keep me awake at night is that Trump has the Senate, the AG on 
> his side, and now even the Supreme Court. 
> Even before the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I was not sure how could 
> possibly Trump fail to keep power in November. 
> Barr exonerated Trump after Mueller Reports (through a big lie) on his 
> 2016 cheating, and then the Republican Senators acquitted him for his 
> cheating in the 2020 election (involving Ukraine). 
> That last one was pitiful, as the Republicans did mock all the evidences 
> as being just “second-hand evidences” and then when they got the 
> opportunity to listen to the first-hand evidences, they dismissed it 
> entirely.
> The last remaining hope for democracy (in the US and thus plausibly in the 
> whole world) *was* that Trump (who will never say that he lost the 
> election, right?) would have been obliged at some point to go to the 
> Courts, and to the Supreme Court, and, with Ruth B. Ginsburg, the court 
> could have ruled against Trump, but now, it looks there is no hope at all.
> Trump has a powerful support from all the international criminals, not 
> mentioning his friends Putin, Erdogan, Kim-Youn-Un, and many others.
> I have never been a fan of the Leftists (so ignorant, notably on the 
> Middle-East situation), but I have not, for one second, believe that Trump 
> has the interest of the American people in mind.
> We have to say that Trump is a pretty brilliant con man; he is an expert 
> liar. 
> And he will never leave the power. He hates to much the looser to be one, 
> and, for him, the difference is between being free and above the law, or 
> going to jail. He will do *anything* to not, never, leave the Power.
> Amy is extreme right wing conservative, we will see if she will defend her 
> faith, or her ideology, like the evangelist who admit Trump is everything 
> except a believer, but still vote for him for his promise against abortion, 
> and similar, and I suppose she would know that, and introspect herself a 
> little bit, and be honest. The Indiana action gives a bit of hope, thanks…
> I say this to keep an atom of hope ,and that we are not witnessing the end 
> of democracy, and the end of the rules of law, in the US and then 
> everywhere, which would lead to a millenium more of obscurantism.
> Democracy (like today in the US, Israel and Europa) is basically the only 
> progress in the applied human sciences since the closure of Plato Academy. 
> I think that if we lose democracy, we will regress far more than up to 
> 1950, I’m afraid.
> The vote of November in the US is not about left/right, but really between 
> democracy/tyranny. 
> Tyran never accepts a defavorable election result, and Trump warn us 
> everyday, and prepare us, to "a fait accompli” with the outrageous help of 
> his AG (Barr). 
> His incapacity to defend the idea of a peaceful transition, in case he 
> loses, is an admission. Even in his 2016 campaign, he said already that he 
> will accept the result of the vote … if he win.
> Bruno
> John K Clark
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