On Monday, October 5, 2020 at 12:24:34 AM UTC+2 spudb...@aol.com wrote:

> Oh, I have no doubt of the efficacy of asymetric warfare. Now, we have 
> societies, "worn down," as you have written, via, this plague. Deliberate 
> or accidental might be a decent question now? 

You're a bit too slow and relaxed pushing this. It was yours truly that had 
to bring up plandemic, because you're too democratic. Even though you have 
the whole "I know democrats, I used to be one... but now I see the light of 
orange" thing going, I suspect you could be spoofing and actually still be 
a closet democrat, homo, and a bit antifa. 

> Trump has not expanded US troop actions, but has reduced it, instead, 
> unlike Obama and Bush 43. Trump has said such endevors making the US 
> suckers. This is also why the shift in troops from Germany, where the 
> locals have always resented ' Das Ami," to Poland, where a barrier against 
> Putin is helpful to both. 

Nah, wrong expression as you just read wikis instead of having experience 
on Schland. Also, the locals were ok with the bases and took advantage of 
buying US products and junk food. Get your intel straight.

> My opinions regarding Jihadists and their supporters is no welcome thing 
> to this wee, email list. 

Your greatness here is notorious. Just tell it like it is and make this 
list great again.

> Another distraction to the pursuit of physics and maths. 

Who cares about maths? Why are you into science anyway? That's democratic 
and part of their team. Here's some numbers for you. Assume our Supreme 
leader's lead is threatened by mail in ballots: 

State legislatures of most swing states are in our pocket so if the results 
come back in a way we don't like, we'll just claim irregularities and have 
legislatures decide to choose electors themselves, so competing slates of 
electors are sent to congress, where they'll be forced to discard results 
from disputed states, and with nobody having 270 electoral votes, the US 
House will have to vote to break deadlock, and voila this leads us to one 
vote per state in a runoff in the house... with PA evenly split its 26 to 
23 for Trump. 

Math is easy: we still win, even if we loose. And with our Supreme leader 
kicking Wuhan Flu in the face in the hospital and everywhere else, we'll 
finally finally have victory over all these democrat fear mongering 
scientists, their partisan maths, physics, medicine, and plandemic attempts 
to sell us masks and secure Xi's hegemony. Don't let science or rationality 
get in the way of greatness. That raises red flags because academics are 
all ideologues on the wrong team. PGC

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