On 23-12-2020 05:17, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 2:53 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

imposing the Born rule by fiat is not incompatible with each outcome

being realized.

It is, actually. The Born rule gives probabilities that are
incompatible with every outcoming occurring on every trial. If every
outcome always occurs you are led to statements such as "This low
probability outcome is certain to occur", which is nonsense. If
something is certain to occur, it has probability one, but the Born
rule never gives unit probability to a single outcome from the set.

The probability of 1 here is what you get when you consider the entire multiverse, but this is not the probability that one measures in experiments to which the Born rule refers to. This probability is contained in the statistics of the outcome of many experiments, and this exists in a physical form accessible to the observer. So, if 100 spin measurements experiments have been done then the outcomes of these exist in each sector in the form of a physical record.


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