On Fri, 25 Dec 2020 at 11:58, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 2:37 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> On 23-12-2020 05:17, Bruce Kellett wrote:
>> > On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 2:53 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> >
>> >> imposing the Born rule by fiat is not incompatible with each outcome
>> >>
>> >> being realized.
>> >
>> > It is, actually. The Born rule gives probabilities that are
>> > incompatible with every outcoming occurring on every trial. If every
>> > outcome always occurs you are led to statements such as "This low
>> > probability outcome is certain to occur", which is nonsense. If
>> > something is certain to occur, it has probability one, but the Born
>> > rule never gives unit probability to a single outcome from the set.
>> The probability of 1 here is what you get when you consider the entire
>> multiverse, but this is not the probability that one measures in
>> experiments to which the Born rule refers to. This probability is
>> contained in the statistics of the outcome of many experiments, and this
>> exists in a physical form accessible to the observer. So, if 100 spin
>> measurements experiments have been done then the outcomes of these exist
>> in each sector in the form of a physical record.
> Confusing how you measure the probability with how it is calculated as the
> mod-square of the amplitude is something of a mistake.
> However, the inherent contradiction cannot be pushed off into the
> multiverse as you seem to think. The branch we are on is part of the
> multiverse, and it exists with probability one. But the
> mod-squared amplitude of the branch is less than one, so there are two
> distinct calculations of the probability for the existence of our branch,
> and they don't agree. The same holds for every branch, so the
> contradiction is present in every branch of the multiverse -- not easily
> dispatched!

One is the probability that a certain branch exists, the other is the
subjective probability that a being with the feeling that he is a unique
individual persisting through time will experience a particular branch. You
may say that this feeling is based on a delusion but we still have it.

> --
Stathis Papaioannou

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