Without any thinking involved I would guess that the only thing that could be 
running is information. Info in the form of photons and electrons and the 
patterns we detect, if any? As Jason Resch pointed out months ago, a lot of 
info necessarily is hidden from us, physically. How? Jason noted that it simply 
is not in our light cone, in the Minkowski sense of things.  A photon emitted 
from the far side of the sun cannot be observed from earth telescopes. Now, if 
you were to sign an enormously large check for an interplanetary space based 
solar telescope that observed solar phenomena from it's special perspective, 
and then sent the data forward to earth, then it would be in our light cone. 
This was Everett's big thing, the Observer. It was also Bryce DeWitt & Wheelers 
big thing.

Mayhaps, if the cosmos or multiverse has a purpose, it is to be a species that 
is an observer, and then create and launch multiple mechanical observers to 
detect things? Like the good Von Newmann machines they are, they will make more 
in order to better observe.  To induce outcomes in this universe or to cause 
logical split offs.

For my world view Shrodinger's Cat is not a potential victim in a ghastly 
experiment, but an active participant, for the cat observes sitting in the lap 
of Wigner's Friend.  

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 John Clark <everything-list@googlegroups.com> 

On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 6:45 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I kind of side with Canadian philosopher John Leslie, as well as British 
> astronomer, James Jeans on this question. Both Leslie and Jeans see the 
> cosmos as a Great Thought. I formalize their conjectures as a Great Program. 
> One may ask, running on what?

There's only one thing it could be running on, the laws of physics. 

 John K Clark   See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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