On Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 4:00:51 PM UTC-6 Bruce wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 6:00 AM Jason Resch <jason...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 9:41 AM Lawrence Crowell <goldenfield...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Nothingness is a paradoxical thing. Does nothingness exist? If so, then 
>>> by having existential properties it is not pure nothingness. If nothingness 
>>> does not exist then there must exist something. In a sense God is the 
>>> antithesis of nothingness and in a sense shares the same paradoxical issue.
>> There is a strange and paradoxical sort of identity between *nothing* 
>> and *everything*, particularly as it relates to information theory. 
>> Insofar as the total set of all possibilities has zero information content.
> A random message string can contain zero information, but still exist -- 
> written on a piece of paper, for example. This idea that zero information 
> equates to 'nothing' is just an elementary confusion of categories.

A random string of characters of length N, where each character has p_n 
probability of occurring in the string has entropy 

S = -k sum_{n=1}^N p_n log(p_n).

If p_n = 1/N then S = k log(N), consider sum as an integral and use 
properties of log, which is Boltzmann's rule. This is a measure of 
information. It may tell you nothing, but it actually still has information.


> This is the main subject of Russell Standish's book: Theory of Nothing: 
>> https://www.hpcoders.com.au/nothing.html
> That is why Russell got so many things wrong in this book.
> Bruce

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