I suspect but have no means of proving that machine intelligence managing 
aspects of society, might be a upwards? Another path would seemingly be 
answering Engels and Marx's "means of production," paradigm, but building 
advanced machinery to produce everything. We may eventually get K. Eric 
Drexler's nanofabrication to achieve this, but the way forward seems to simply 
be general advances with 3D printing.  
On the Trump attack assertion it seems unlikely, and it seems unlikely because 
way get a puny 1000 fools showing up, when he could've got 10 million? He could 
have sent out the word, get em boys, and that would have been that. Trump's 
comedic timing is one of the best I have ever seen, if you've ever listened to 
his opening one-liners, which I doubt you have. Anarcho-Capitalism seems 
interesting, yet you'll need to cite some examples for that being a success?
The biggest successful economic action seems to be The Miracle of Worgl in 
Austria, where the locals printed their own money for public works. From a 
Germna point of view, who needs Adolf if you have work?A Free Money Miracle? | 
Mises Institute

Wörgl - Wikipedia

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: spudboy...@aol.com
Cc: everything-list@googlegroups.com <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 9, 2021 1:58 pm
Subject: Re: Senator's "My American Story" Is a Result of Awakened-Bo 
Dark-Matter Body

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 7:12 AM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote: 
 > I am very good with capitalism, 

Me too.  Socialism won't work unless everybody is a saint, and that's why 
socialists in their natural environment are always observed to be in a constant 
state of righteous indignation; people just aren't behaving the way he wants 
then to behave and as they must behave for his system to function. In general I 
can only think of 3 ways to get anybody to do anything, force, love, or trade. 
I think most of us would agree that all else being equal force is the least 
desirable of the three. Love is very nice and it works for some things but any 
economic system that must rely on people loving each other is just not going to 
work. So unless somebody knows of a fourth way that I haven't thought of there 
is only one thing left. The farmer grows my food, the trucker moves my food and 
the grocer sells my food, I didn't make them do it and none of these people 
love me, yet the free market plunges them into a conspiracy to put food on my 
table. Capitalism can efficiently create wealth even if everybody is just 
looking out for themselves, I know of no other economic system that can do that.

> not what is termed Crony Capitalism, otherwise know as oligarchy. 

You have a problem with the law of conservation of energy, and that is not a 
law a parliament or even Big Brother can repeal, if you push down the power in 
one area the power just migrates to another place. If you don't like 
corporations because you think they have too much power the only thing that can 
get rid of them is something that has even more power, so instead of several 
hundred moderately powerful entities you have just one overwhelmingly powerful 
one. I don't see how that is an improvement.  You still approve of Donald Trump 
even after he organized an attack on the capital to overturn a democratic 
election so you don't believe elected officials should be in charge of that 
overwhelmingly powerful entity, so who should be? You? Donald Trump? Big 

> My fix for everything is technology, applied science, engineering. [...] "Tag 
> the criminal, not the citizen." If one is a violent thug, persecute them by 
> monitoring them with a chip. If they aren't acting better, to the jug they go.

You're just talking about law-enforcement and that's the easy part, what I want 
to know is who makes the laws, who decides what is legal and what is illegal?  

> So that is what I would do. 

This is what I would do if we were starting from scratch which we are not; I 
would suggest Anarcho-Capitalism, I think it would be superior to democracy, 
but unfortunately we are not starting from scratch so it would be very 
difficult to get to there from here;  but don't let the word "anarchy" scare 
you, it just means lack of government. Chaos necessarily implies anarchy but 
anarchy does not necessarily imply chaos.

Good laws are no different from anything else, if you want to maximize 
something then make it a commodity and sell it on the free market. But nobody 
does that for laws very much, that's why there are far more good cars than good 
laws. In a world with minimal or no government Privately Produced Law (PPL) 
would have Private Protection Agencies (PPA) to back them up. Disputes among 
PPA's would be settled by an independent arbitrator agreed to by both parties 
BEFORE the disagreement happened. Something like that can exist today. When 
companies sign complicated contracts they sometimes also agree on who will 
arbitrate it if a difference in interpretation happen because nobody wants to 
get caught up in the slow, expensive court system run by governments.

The arbitrator is paid by the case, and because he is picked by both sides, 
it's in his interest to be as just as possible. If he favored one side over 
another or made brutal or stupid decisions he would not be picked again and 
would need to look for a new line of work. Unlike present day judges and 
juries, justice would have a positive survival value for the arbitrator.

All parties would have a reason to avoid violence if possible. The disputing 
parties would not want to turn their front yard into a war zone, and violence 
is expensive. The successful protection agencies would be more interested in 
making money than in saving face. Most of the time this would work so I expect 
the total level of violence to be less than in the nation state system we have 
now, but I'm not such a utopian as to suggest it will drop to zero. Even when 
force is not used the implicit threat is always there, another good reason to 
be civilized.

Please note I'm not talking about justice only for the rich. If a rich man's 
PPA makes unreasonable demands (beatings, sidewalk justice, I insist on my 
mother being the arbiter if I get into trouble, etc) it's going to need one 
hell of a lot of firepower to back it up. That kind of army is expensive 
because of the hardware needed and because of the very high wages it will need 
to pay its employees for an extremely dangerous job. To pay for all
this they will need to charge their clients enormous fees severely limiting 
their customer base and that means even higher charges. They could never get 
the upper hand, because the common man's PPA would be able to outspend a PPA 
that had outrageous demands and was just for the super rich. A yacht cost much 
more than a car, yet the Ford motor Company is far richer than all the yacht 
builders on the planet combined.

 It's easy to vote for some idiot politician who says he will stop your 
neighbor from sinning, it's much harder to shell out cold hard cash for it. For 
example, in this democracy many towns have laws against women wearing string 
bikinis on the beach, and it's simple to see why, there are plenty of prudes 
and it doesn't cost them anything to vote. Now let's consider this in a world 
of anarchy. The prude is considering 2 PPA's that are identical except for one 
thing, one has a decency patrol to harass women on the beach 20 miles from his 
home, the other doesn't but uses the money  saved to send an extra security 
patrol through his neighborhood at 3Am. The prude would have to be very prudish 
indeed to pick the first PPA.
                                                                 No system can 
guarantee justice to everybody all the time but you'd have the greatest chance 
of finding it in Anarcho-Capitalism. In a dictatorship one man's whim can lead 
to hell on earth, I don't see how 40 million Germans could have murdered 6 
million Jews in an Anarcho-Capitalistic world. Things aren't much better in a 
Democracy, 51% can decide to kill the other 49%, nothing even close to that is 
possible in Anarchy, even theoretically.

In general, the desire not to be killed is much stronger than the desire to 
kill a stranger, even a Jewish stranger. Jews would be willing to pay as much 
as necessary, up to and including their entire net worth not to be killed. I 
doubt if even the most rabid anti Semite would go much beyond 2%. As a result 
the PPA protecting Jews would be much stronger than the one that wants to kill 
them. In Anarchy, for things that are REALLY important to you (like not getting 
killed) you have much more influence than just one man one vote.

I can't give you an iron clad guarantee that some Private Protection Agency 
won't switch from being a protector to being an oppressor, but I can't give you 
an iron clad guarantee that the US Army will not overthrow the government and 
set up a military dictatorship either. They certainly have the means to do so 
if they wished. I don't think that's very likely to happen, but it's far more 
likely than the sort of organization I'm talking about doing it. The instant a 
PPA starts acting in a totalitarian way customers would abandon it, shut off 
its money supply and stop its cancerous growth in the bud. That is a powerful 
tool that we don't have today, with the US Army you are forced to keep sending 
it money through taxes even if you hate what it's doing.

But this is all theoretical, as I say we are such an enormously long way from 
Anarcho-Capitalism it may be too late and it's just not practical to get to get 
to there from here. So we must make do with second best, democracy, the least 
bad way to organize people.  
John K Clark      See what's on my new list at   Extropolis vhi                 

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