On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 7:25 AM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

 > *The Decency Act sounded like it was an attack on the first amendment
> made by hypocritical religious prudes who sound like they came straight
> out of the Dark Ages, but in reality was a legal tool to protect corporate
> boards of directors from being sued by the public for censoring them.*

Once more you're talking about corporations censoring people, and once more
you are unable to give one single example of that actually happening. And I
must say although I always knew you had issues I badly underestimated the
intensity of your inanity so I was astounded to hear you defending
something as silly as the decency act. You think it's terrible a
corporation decides not to let a hack politician use their platform to
pedal lethal lies, like autism is caused by vaccines, and
Hydroxychloroquine and Clorox can cure COVID-19, and there were more than 7
million fraudulent votes in the last election so you should get angry and
march on the capital; but anybody who wants to look at a naked female
breast on the Internet should be prevented from doing so by censorship, and
if they try to avoid that censorship they should go to prison.

 > *Often Law Fare as it is now called, is a merely a tool of the rich*

Spud my boy I'm confused. You've made it clear you don't like Communism,
but you don't like Capitalism either hence all your complaints about
corporations and their "oligarch money". You don't like Democracy hence
your support of Donald Trump even after he incited a violent attack on the
capital in an unsuccessful coup d'état attempt to stay in power after he
lost an election by 7 million votes, and you don't like individuals being
allowed to make decisions on their own about how they should live their
lives thus your support for the decency act. So how should society organize
itself, what* DO* you like? The only form of government I haven't heard you
criticize is right wing fascist dictatorships. Is that in fact what you
would prefer?

*> your once-vaunted ACLU is now ok with censorship, with the 1st amendment
> being merely one, and the least of 15 new principles.  *
> *https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/06/us/aclu-free-speech.html*
> <https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/06/us/aclu-free-speech.html>

I don't feel even the slightest obligation to defend the views of the ACLU,
I only feel an obligation to defend my own views against yours, and if I am
unable to do that then I will abandon them and adopt your views as my own;
I have absolutely no loyalty towards ideas. If another person's idea is
better than mine then my idea has got to go. It's called the scientific
method.  But there's little chance of me needing to abandon my ideas in
this case as your attack is pitiful, you can't even give me a single
example of corporate censorship despite my many requests.
John K Clark      See what's on my new list at   Extropolis

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