Not to choke the flow of the convo, but some years ago Albrecht also worked on 
the Observer issue and time via re-examining the work of Ludwig Boltzmann and 
his Boltzmann Brain. Please continue.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 17, 2022 6:00 pm
Subject: Re: aiming to complete Everett's derivation of the Born Rule

 On 4/17/2022 7:11 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
 A simple example of your point is a gas at some temperature and pressure, 
confined in some volume. For a given particle in the ensemble, we can't 
determine its exact path because we lack information about its interactions. 
But if we had that knowledge, we could determine its exact path, and any 
uncertainties in that information would translate into uncertainties in its 
path. But inherent randomness in QM is different and probably has nothing to do 
with the UP. Did you read the paper I cited?:
For example, for a small uncertainty in position, there is a large uncertainty 
in velocity, so we can get simultaneous measurements of position and velocity, 
but the latter will manifest large fluctuations for succeeding measurements. 
Thus, the "inherent randomness" in QM is the assumption that every individual 
trial or outcome of a measurement is UNcaused; that is, the particular outcome 
can't be traced to some prior state -- what AE called God playing dice with the 
universe. AG
  On Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 6:34:51 PM UTC-6 wrote:; 
  Consider the converse.  When you comprehend some physical evolution, is it 
essential that it be deterministic.  Every event has many causes, do you have 
to know every one of them to comprehend it?  Think of all the things you would 
have to say did NOT happen in order that your comprehension be complete.  The 
way I look at it, we call classical mechanics deterministic only because most 
of the time there are a few (not a bazillion) factors we can approximately 
determine in advance, so that an almost certain prediction, within a range of 
uncertainty, is possible.  Even within strict determinism there are at this 
very moment gamma rays from distant supernova approaching you and which cannot 
be predicted but which might influence your thoughts and instruments.
 On 4/16/2022 5:08 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
 I think you're fooling yourself if you think a non-determinsitic process is 
comprehensible. AG
  On Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 5:46:09 PM UTC-6 wrote:
 On 4/16/2022 4:24 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
  On Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 5:03:55 PM UTC-6 wrote:
 On 4/16/2022 2:58 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
  On Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 1:44:09 PM UTC-6 wrote:
 On 4/16/2022 8:34 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
 Of course I favour the first version of the argument, using the many-world 
formulation of collapse, to avoid the "God plays dice" nightmare.
 Why this fear of true randomness?  We have all kinds of classical randomness 
we just attributed to "historical accident".  Would it really make any 
difference it were due to inherent quantum randomness?  Albrect and Phillips 
have made an argument that there is quantum randomness even nominally classical 
  True randomness implies unintelligibility; that is, no existing physical 
process for causing the results of measurements. AG  
   "It happened at random in accordance with a Poisson process with rate 
parameter 0.123" seems perfectly intelligible to me.  There is a physical 
description of the system with allows you to predict that, including the value 
of the rate parameter.  It only differs from deterministic physics in that it 
doesn't say when the event happens. 
 I always wonder if people who have this dogmatic rejection of randomness 
understand that quantum randomness is very narrow.  Planck's constant is very 
small and it introduces randomness, but with a definite distribution and on 
certain variables.  It's not "anything can happen" as it seems some people fear.
  Every single trial is unintelligible. AG
   I find that remark unintelligble.  I don't think "intelligble" means what 
you think it means.
  It means there exists no definable physical process to account for the 
outcome of a single trial. AG
   That's what is usually called "non-deterministic".  "Unintelligble" means 
not understandable or incomprehensible.  
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