> On 23-Aug-2022, at 6:17 PM, Samiya Illias <samiyaill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Prophet Muhammed was the Head of State of Medina and the surrounding Muslim 
> areas. 
> He was succeeded by his close companion Abu Bakr Siddiq as the first Caliph 
> of the Muslim State. 
> Umar became the second Caliph after him.  
> Uthman became the third Caliph after Umar.  
> Ali became the fourth Caliph after Uthman.  
> All of the above had great mutual respect for each other, and worked for the 
> greater good. 
> Shias are of the opinion that Ali should have succeeded Prophet Muhammed as 
> the first Caliph, as he was his cousin, and married to his daughter Fatima. 
> The political gap between Sunnis and Shias became ugly when the Prophet’s 
> grandson, Ali and Fatima’s son: Hussain was murdered at Karbala, Iraq. The 
> shias mourn that tragedy to this day. 
> Mostly, Sunnis and Shias live in peace in the same neighbourhoods, sometimes 
> even married to a person from the other sect. 
> Political exploitation and terrorist activities create law and order 
> situations. It’s not the religion to blame, but the political situation and 
> the people who create sectarian hatred and violence. 


>> On 23-Aug-2022, at 5:37 PM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Neither group can explain why their religion even needed a new leader if 
>> back then Mohammed had already revealed everything anybody would need to 
>> know in the Quran.

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