On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 2:29 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> Basically, you yet have not presented scientific evidence that computers
> can possess emotions,*

True, and you have not presented scientific evidence that human beings can
possess emotions.  But during the last year new evidence HAS become
available that computers can possess intelligence.

* > I am not saying I dare you!! Simply if you have an IDEA how emotions or
> consciousness in machinery could occur, let me know, because it sounds
> interesting. *

The Neural Networks of AIs have become so complex that even the people that
built them only have a hazy idea why they behave intelligently, but that
doesn't change the fact that they do behave intelligently; and as for
consciousness, if I'm right and it's a brute fact that consciousness is the
way data feels when it is being processed intelligently then there is
simply nothing more that can be said about the matter.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


> *> If it flaps its wings like a butterfly or a bird (ornithopter) then it
> follows life on earth. *
> *We have no other model than earth life to model consciousness.*
> We? I have a model of consciousness but I have no direct way of knowing
> that anybody else has a model of consciousness or model of anything else
> for that matter because the only example of consciousness that I have to
> work with is myself.
> *> You provide no other model, so hence my brain parts mentioning still
> holds. Show us another model of emotion and consciousness.*
> It's a fact that there are only two possibilities, an iterative chain of
> "why" or "how" questions either goes on forever or terminates in a brute
> fact.  My idea is that it's a brute fact that consciousness is the way data
> feels when it is being processed intelligently. Your idea is that the
> amygdala causes consciousness and only that particular wet and squishy
> thing can do it and a dry and hard thing never could. I think my idea is
> better.
> *> ChatGpt3 is a fun toy. It does great on song writing and parody. It
> ain't human,*
> That is certainly true.
> > *it ain't emotional, or conscious.*
> Maybe, but then maybe you're not emotional or conscious either and you
> just behave as if you were. However in the end it really doesn't matter
> because whoever is more intelligent will end up running the show, so from a
> human point of view it's not important if AIs are conscious or not, the
> important thing is that they're intelligent, if they're not conscious
> that's their problem not mine. So human beliefs about the consciousness or
> unconsciousness of Mr. Jupiter Brain will have no effect on the future.
> However it could be important, at least for humans, whether or not Mr.
> Jupiter Brain believes that humans are conscious, if he believes that we
> are and are not just a complex chain of chemical reactions he might have
> some sympathy for us and show us mercy. Can you think of any way to prove
> to Mr. Jupiter Brain that you are conscious? I can't.
> Oh and by the way, sometimes as a last resort the amygdala needs to be
> removed for medical reasons and the surgical procedure, called
> Amygdalotomy, produces lots of unpleasant side effects and significant
> changes in behavior as you'd expect when a significant part of a computer
> is taken offline, however nobody believes it results in a person without
> consciousness or emotion.
> Amygdalotomy
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdalotomy#:~:text=Amygdalotomy%20is%20a%20form%20of,outbursts%2C%20and%20self%2Dmutilation.>
> oml

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