Adolf was a unknown in 1933. It was the Great Depression meaning very high, 
continuous, unemployment. You know that! Trump is a known, known. You know what 
he will do, and that is spend his presidency mouthing off. Your point that he 
is fearful to you simply means that in 2028 your guys will unite under Michelle 
Obama. Have fun! By then we may be out of the gloom zone because of Ta-Da! ♩ 
The approach to the Singularity. You have suggested this yourself. You'll be 
too busy taking or giving stock market advice in the next 2 years from a 
friendly LLM to even bother with Don.

    On Friday, December 8, 2023 at 09:58:25 AM EST, John Clark 
<> wrote:  
 On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 8:44 PM '' via Everything List 
<> wrote:

 >  You weren't rounded up, and sent to a camp during 2017-Jan 2021 were ya? 
 >Will he do that now because he's dumb? Maybe, but I doubt it. [...] I claim 
 >that they will moderate the man's policies

People said the same thing about some fellow in Germany in the 1930s whose name 
escapes me at the moment, they thought that once he gained power he would 
become more moderate but he ended up doing all the crazy things that he said he 
was going to do.  An enormous number of top officials in Trump's first 
administration have loudly and vigorously warned people against Trump ever 
returning to office; these include four-star general and Chairman of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley (Trump later said that General Milley should be 
executed for treason). 

And Milley was not the only one to say that a second Trump administration would 
be an existential threat to the nation if not the entire  world, so did former 
White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly and  former Defense Secretaries Jim 
Mattis, and another one of Trump's Defense Secretaries Mark Esper, and the 
former National Security Adviser John Bolton, and former Attorney General 
William Barr. Do you think it's possible that maybe just maybe these people, 
who had daily personal contact with Trump for months or years might have a 
better understanding of what the man will get up to in his second presidential 
term than you do?
Trump has made no secret about what his second administration would be like, in 
recent speeches he has talked endlessly about how he will use the US Department 
of Justice to carry out great vengeance on those who prevented him from staying 
in power after the 2020 election, he talks about that even more than he talks 
about the evils of low flush toilets and drag queen story time.  
Trump says the penalty for shoplifting should be death, they should be shot on 
site "We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply: If 
you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store"
Trump says he will go to war in Mexico and order the military to attack drug 
cartels in that country. 
In his first administration Trump drafted in order for the US Army to crack 
down and break the heads of anti Trump protesters in Washington DC but 
fortunately was talked out of signing the order by General Mark Millie, the guy 
that Trump now wants to murder. Today Trump says he will unilaterally send US 
Army troops into Democratic-run cities, like New York, Los Angeles, San 
Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington DC, to "restore order".

Trump says he will round up millions of undocumented aliens and other "vermin" 
and concentrate them into camps, that is to say into concentration camps. 

Trump says he will ignore the constitution and end birthright citizenship for 
babies born on U.S. soil to undocumented parents.
Trump has always been a fan of dictators, the stronger and more vicious the 
better, Saddam Hussein, Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan, and of course everybody 
is familiar with the fawning worship Trump has given and has continued to give 
to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Trump famously fell in love with the 
incredibly brutal North Korean communist dictator Kim Jong Un. I personally 
think Xi Jinping is the worst thing to happen to China since Mao Zedong, but 
Trump thinks he's a wonderful man:

" I like President Xi a lot. I consider him a friend, and – but I like him a 
lot. I’ve gotten to know him very well. He’s a strong gentleman, right? Anybody 
that – he’s a strong guy, tough guy. [...]  President Xi, who is a strong man, 
I call him King, he said, ‘But I am not King, I am president.’ I said, ‘No, 
you’re president for life and therefore, you’re King.’ He said, ‘Huh. Huh.’ He 
liked that.”
Trump also likes past Chinese Communist dictators, including the ones who 
ordered the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre:
“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost 
blew it, they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with 
strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now 
perceived as weak.”
In a recent interview Trump ass kisser Sean Hannity threw him a softball 
“You are promising America tonight, you would never abuse this power as 
retribution against anybody?” 

Trump responded by  admitting he would be a dictator on day one, or rather:

"Except for Day 1. other than Day 1. We’re closing the border. And we’re 
drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.”
And after hearing that the Trump friendly crowd mindlessly screamed their 
approval until they went horse. 
So Spud I want to ask you a question and I want you to think about it before 
just giving some glib answer. Is this the sort of biped you really believe 
should be the most powerful man in the world because he can best lead the human 
race through the incredible intricacies and dangers of the Singularity and come 
out on the other side in one piece?  
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



 > In the last few years, you predicted a revolution, societally, once we hit 
 >the heights in successfully entangled, quantum operations. Have you changed 
 >your mind since this prediction? 

No my prediction hasn't changed, I think quantum computers will bring on a 
revolution, but it will not be the next revolution. A large practical quantum 
computer is probably 10 years away and it will change everything, but in less 
than half that time conventional computers will change society more radically 
than it has ever changed before in the entire history of the human species. 
That's why I can't get too hot and bothered about trivial little things like 
illegal immigration, the budget deficit, or drag queen story time. But I'm 
still concerned about the USA turning fascist and, if the polls are correct, 
that could happen in about 13 months. It will be hard enough getting through 
the Singularity meat grinder alive, if during this key moment the most powerful 
flesh and blood human being in the world is also an imbecile then all hope is 


 Apparently IBM has hardwired a new error correcting algorithm into its new 
quantum chip called "Quantum Low-Density Parity Check" (qLDPC), only 288 
physical Qubits are needed (provided the physical error rate is less than 0.1%) 
to produce 12 perfect logical cubits; with older error correction codes many 
thousands of physical Qubits would have been required. The difficult part was 
that for qLDPC to work each physical Qubit had to be connected to 6 other 
Qubits, in older quantum chips there was only a connection with two or three. 

IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip

Unveiling IBM Quantum System Two


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