*It looks like conventional Superintelligence is not the only revolution
that's going to make our world almost unrecognizable before 2030 or so.
Scott Aaronson has been working in the field of quantum computing since the
late 1990s but he has always strongly objected to the hype surrounding
them, for years he said practical quantum computers might not be possible
and even if they were he didn't expect to see one in his lifetime. But I
noticed Aaronson's tone started to change about two years ago and he now
thinks we will either have a practical quantum computer very soon or we
will discover something new and fundamental about quantum mechanics that
renders such a thing impossible. He says "Let’s test quantum mechanics in
this new regime. And if, instead of building a QC, we have to settle for
“merely” overthrowing quantum mechanics and opening up a new era in
physics—well then, I guess we’ll have to find some way to live with that".*

*The following are more quotations from Aaronson's latest blog but I think
it would be well worth your time to read the entire thing: *

*"**If someone asks me why I’m now so optimistic, the core of the argument
is 2-qubit gate fidelities. We’ve known for years that, at least on paper,
quantum fault-tolerance becomes a net win (that is, you sustainably correct
errors faster than you introduce new ones) once you have physical 2-qubit
gates that are ~99.99% reliable. The problem has “merely” been how far we
were from that. When I entered the field, in the late 1990s, it would’ve
been like a Science or Nature paper to do a 2-qubit gate with 50% fidelity.
But then at some point the 50% became 90%, became 95%, became 99%, and
within the past year, multiple groups have reported 99.9%. So, if you just
plot the log *of the infidelity* as a function *of year* and stare at
it—yeah, you’d feel pretty optimistic about the next decade too!*
*Or pessimistic, as the case may be! To any of you who are worried about
post-quantum cryptography—by now I’m so used to delivering a message of,
maybe, eventually, someone will need to start thinking about migrating from
RSA and Diffie-Hellman and elliptic curve crypto*  [which bitcoin uses]*  to
lattice-based crypto, or other systems that could plausibly withstand
quantum attack. I think today that message needs to change. I think today
the message needs to be: yes, unequivocally, worry about this now. Have a

*Quantum Computing: Between Hope and Hype*

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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