On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 08:22, Charles J Killian wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Oh please!
> Piss off!
> The day that how one formats a response to an email is some measure of
> the quality of the individual writing it and the value of that response
> is the day I go back to a yellow pad and pencil.
> Yikes!
> Chuck...


I guess that means you fall into the "care-less" category.

Up yours.

There are multiple levels of ease of readability in emails,
especially on discussion lists. *You* may be so thick as to have
not noticed, but some of the rest of us see it as making a difference.

Top-posting lacks logic and reflects intellectual laziness.

We don't live out our lives in reverse chronological order - 
why would we want to read an email thread that way?

The worst of it is, doing it right is actually very little
additional effort, if only all of the clueless and care-less
would ever actually try it, and bother to learn a little
something about how their email software works.


Embrace a sharing community of sustainable low-carbon justice diversity
W. Brewster Gillett             b...@fdi.us            Portland, OR  USA
Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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