On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 09:22, Reid Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 09:03:18AM -0700, bg wrote:
> > 
> > Older than dirt - Core2. 
> > 
> > It's pretty stable, though. The only real problem that's beginning
> > to get annoying is the Mozilla 1.7 browser, with the increasing
> > number of web pages it refuses to read, even with as late a
> > vintage plug-ins as I can cram into it  :-)
> > 
> > I'm probably going to be upgrading within the next 30 days.
> > I've been considering Ubuntu 9.04. Any suggestions?
> > 
> > 
> ubuntu is nice -- easily maintained
> And the make scripts provided by
> Paul/others makes running from git ( if you have the desire ) fairly
> straightforward.
> If you're into that kind of thing, gentoo is good.  And actually quite
> stable.  I run ubuntu at home right now and gentoo at work.  I've run
> gentoo at home before and will again as soon as i get a decent spare
> box.
> what specs does your box have?
> reid

Athlon 2.6 with 1Gb RAM, 160Gb RAID Level 1 array.

I've been experimenting with Ubuntu 8.10 on another machine.
One of the things that both looks attractive about Ubuntu,
and also generates a bit of apprehension, is the automatic
"hands-off" updating. I'm not yet convinced that's really
a good idea. What with dependencies and libraries and all
the other potentially mismatched areas when changing software
versions, I have some difficulty believing that it's even
possible to reliably automate that process. But I could be wrong.

    Embrace a sharing community of sustainable low-carbon diversity
W. Brewster Gillett             b...@fdi.us            Portland, OR  USA
Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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