On Wed, 2012-08-08 at 10:05 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: 
> On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 13:24 -0600, Brian A Anderson wrote:
> > <Begin editorial mode>
> > The key things that I learned here are;
> > 1.  the two different versions of Evolution had two different mailbox
> > styles. 
> > 2.  The two versions of Evolution were not compatible.
> > 3.  the evolution of Evolution had abandoned those with older systems.
> >     Cynical but apparently true.
> I don't think that's entirely true or fair. 
> Did you give Evolution a chance to upgrade your data structure? 

Yes, the user posted about their success/failure using
backup-and-restore to this list.  backup-and-restore is pretty well
known to not work across multiple major releases.

> i.e. did you start Evolution
> with the old files in their original place rather than trying to do it
> through the backup files? 

Yes; or at least I believe the poster said that.

> > Backwards compatibility is very important.

To a point; but the user is jumping across many major releases.  It is
unreasonable to expect it to work well, IMNSHO.  This is like jumping
from Microsoft Access 97 to Microsoft Access 2010;  it 'works', but a
fair amount of remediation is required.   Oh, gawd.. now I'm having

Evolution 2.24 is *old* [circa 2008].  Especially in Evolution time
where things seems to sit stagnant at the 2.2x level for a long time and
then pulsed forward through 2.3x and now on to the [vastly improved] 3.2
and 3.4 era.

But the user did publish notes, so kudos.  Might be useful to someone
else later on.

> Evolution is probably one of the best applications I know for upgrading
> internal storage formats - it is quick, unfussy and accurate.


> > Some versions may not offer a real reason to migrate.
> > I for one don't want to become a slave to updates like Windows users
> > are a slave to updates.
> But you *must* install updates for any operating system - they fix bugs
> and, most importantly, they fix security holes.  It just simply should
> not be optional to install updates.

The user certainly doesn't need to rush to update; too many LINUX users
are addicted to the next-greatest-patch which is an attitude that
seriously impedes real world productivity [hey, let me update first
thing Monday morning and break my desktop!].  'Immediate update' also
provides no pragmatic upside [let's be honest - *most* security fixes
are pretty obscure and only effect boxes using particular
applications/services in a particular configuration].

I apply updates once a month; and I typically upgrade my distro a full
month after a release [plus a month worth of updates].  This has
provided me with a very smooth ride.  I try to recommend this policy,
but immediately after I say this most users are subscribing to a factory
repository and doing a "zypper up"... sigh. :)

> In that case, with all due respect, why are you using Fedora! If you want
> stability, then use a RHEL clone such as CentOS or ScientificLinux -
> they will guarantee support for about 5 years after EoL of a particular
> version - but you still have to install updates.

Agree. If long-term is what the user is looking for then Fedora is a
mismatched choice.  Fedora *is* the distro of latest-and-greatest [which
is not a criticism, but maybe that is not where the user wants to be].

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