On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 14:03 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 13:48 -0500, dave boland wrote:
> > Thanks for the insight.  There is an IMAP option in Evolution to
> > synchronize the email, but I have not found much info about this
> > option.
> >  Does anyone know what it does and the pros/cons?
> > 
> > My objective is to have a local copy (on my computer or email server)
> > of
> > all sent and received email, while leaving about 4 months worth on the
> > isp server for remote use.  periodically, I take the email from the
> > inbox and sent and place them in subject folders.
> > 
> > My question is how do I do that with Evolution, or any email
> > application?
> Different email applications have different facilities so I can't speak
> to them all.  This isn't a capability supported by the IMAP protocol.
> For Evolution, one option is to select all the messages you want to
> archive and drag them to your "On This Computer" INBOX which should copy
> them onto your local disk.  Then you can delete those selected files
> from your IMAP account.
> You can make new folders in the "On This Computer" with dates and copy
> all the email up to that date to that folder, or whatever.
> I have not ever tried this, note.  You shouldn't delete email from your
> server until you've verified it's all present as expected in the local
> folders.
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i think you could probably create a filter to copy all incoming email to
a local maildir email account
Note though that if an email client other than evo *sees* the email
first, then when evo downloads it it will not by default process the
email through filters ( as it is not *new*), you'd have to manually
force the email to be filtered (highlight and CTRL-Y, etc) 


i do this for my fastmail account via fetchmail and procmail

you would want to read up on and understand fetchmail and procmail
if you wish to attempt it, google has numerous *tutorials* etc...
i've pulled some pertinent information from my config below.
the MAILDIR listed below is then configured as an account in evolution

$ sudo cat /etc/fetchmailrc 
# Configuration created Thu Jul 23 09:44:11 2009 by fetchmailconf 1.54 
$Revision: 5165 $
set postmaster "rthompso"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
#set daemon 120
set daemon 60
# see /var/log/mail/current
set syslog
#set idfile /var/lib/fetchmail/.fetchids ## they are here


poll mail.messagingengine.com with proto IMAP bad-header accept interval 2
       user 'myemaila...@fastmail.fm' there with password 'mypassword' is 
'rthompso' here options ssl fetchall mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"


---------end of fetchmailrc cat -----

NOTE: in the information below
    MAILDIR=$HOME/.maildir-sent/ is a maildir format folder
you can use evo to create this folder i think...
you can probably remove all the spam and bogofilter segments, all you
really need is to get the email in the maildir folder appropriately

$ cat .procmailrc 

### keep a temporary backup of incoming mail in case bogofilter misplaces it

# We'll scan the mail with clam using the standard input, and saving the result 
on the AV_REPORT variable
AV_REPORT=`clamdscan --stdout --no-summary - |sed 's/^stream: //'`

# We check if the word FOUND was in the result and save "Yes" or "No" according 
to that
VIRUS=`echo $AV_REPORT|sed '/FOUND/ { s/.*/Yes/; q  };  /FOUND/  !s/.*/No/'`

# formail is a filter that can alter a mail message, while keeping the correct 
format. We use it here to add/alter a header called 
# X-Virus with either value Yes or No
| formail -i "X-Virus: $VIRUS"

# And if we just added "X-Virus: Yes", we will also add another header with the 
scan result, and alter the subject, again, with the scan result.
# Since we are using the f flag, the mail is going to be delivered anyway.
* ^X-Virus: Yes
| formail -i "X-Virus-Report: $AV_REPORT" -i "Subject: [Virus] $AV_REPORT"

## Silently drop all completely unreadable mail
* 1^0 
* 1^0 

#### bogofilter passthrough-update ####

| /usr/bin/bogofilter -uep

#| bogofilter -p -u -l -e -v
# -p)assthrough -u)pdate, -l)og -e)xitcode 0 for spam and ham
# -v)erbose

#### begin error catcher ####

# m-a 2002-10-28
#     If bogofilter failed, return the mail to the queue.
#     Better put this after _EACH_ delivering recipe (not shown here).
#     Later, the MTA will try again to deliver it.
#     75 is the value for EX_TEMPFAIL in /usr/include/sysexits.h
#     Originally published by Philip Guenther on the postfix-users
#     mailing list.


#### end error catcher ####

* ^X-Bogosity: (Spam|Yes)
# put copy error catcher here to avoid fallthrough

# unnecessary in twostate mode:
* ^X-Bogosity: Unsure
# put another copy of error catcher here to avoid fallthrough

#### end bogofilter passthrough-update ####

# myemaila...@fastmail.fm to appropriate folder
* ^To:.*myemailaddr\@fastmail\.fm

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