On Wed, Dec 2, 2015, at 03:01 PM, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 14:45 -0500, dave boland wrote:
> > This may be what I do, but for now (and rest of a very busy December),
> > I'm looking for an easier way.  I guess that may be a monthly combing 
> > my email to see what needs to be saved, then copying it to a folder.  
> > I admit, I have been fat, dumb and happy for too long, and should have
> > been doing this all along, but...
> I guess I'm not really sure what your "fat, dumb and happy" mode was
> before, and how Evolution, or a new version of Evolution?, has changed
> things so you're not in that mode any longer...?

I did not pay attention to archiving because I thought everything was
copied to my hard drive.

> It's still not clear to me why your email on your IMAP server is being
> deleted, if you didn't mark it for deletion on your local system.  Are
> you saying that your ISP/IMAP server provider is deleting old messages
> from your folders, even if you didn't mark them for deletion...?!?!
> If that's the case then as already mentioned the right answer is to get
> another provider which is not insane, not futzing with workarounds.  IMO
> anyway.

My isp has a 90 day limit that I did not know about.  The only
alternative is tw, and I doubt that the will be a big improvement.  I do
think it is time to get better email hosting, which is independent of
the isp.
  dave boland

http://www.fastmail.com - Same, same, but different...

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