On Wed, 2001-10-24 at 12:50, Eric Lambart wrote:
> 10/24/2001 9:03:59 AM, Mike Sangrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >How about instead of "Trash" it's called "vTrash"?
> >
> >Sometime in the future (after 1.0) you could enable the user to choose
> >either a "Trash folder" or a "vTrash folder".
> Yeah, I seriously think the best (and SAFEST) interim solution should indicate 
>_somehow_ that it is a vFolder.
> I like your idea, but wouldn't it be more a lot more consistent to simply put it in 
>the vFolder tree?  Someone might think 
> "vTrash" was a typo; but if it was listed separately from all the other (real) 
>folders, new users would realize something 
> was up and probably learn about vFolders in the process... and, we wouldn't have a 
>vFolder sneakily hiding amonst the 
> real folders--which just doesn't seem right to me.

I don't think people would think `vTrash' is anymore a typo than
`vFolders'.  And the `v' leans toward a commonly accepted convention. 
At least it "feels" that way to me.

Also, if you stick `Trash' down in `vFolders' I would have assumed THAT
`Trash' folder had something to do with stuff deleted out of `vFolders'
and that REALLY gets confusing.

BTW, I haven't tried it, but what is suppose to happen if someone drags
and drops an email from a folder to `Trash'?  Does that do the right
thing?  You'll have people do that, you know.  Maybe this was discussed
already and I missed it.

Mike Sangrey
Landisburg, Pa.
                        "The first one last wins."
            "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth."

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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