On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 17:52, Mark Neill wrote:
> > o File...Print shows 'lpr' but doesn't show any of the queue names I've
> > set up using PrintTool.  Shouldn't it, for consistency sake?  For new
> > users, this would be confusing I believe.  I want to print to my queue
> > LJ4, but all that is shown is 'lpr'.  If I print to the 'lpr', it *does*
> > print to the LJ4 queue, but it isn't intuitive.
> This is an lpr limitation.  Typical home users aren't going to have
> multiple printer queues, they are going to have one default queue.  No
> queue specification is necessary in this case.
> If a user is savvy enough to have set up multiple usable print queues, I
> expect they are savvy enough to append -Pqueuename to the lpr command to
> print to the non-default printer.  But that's just my assumption

Except that multiple queues is a good way to have multiple printer
configurations (single- or double sided printing, color or B/W, and so

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