So I've been trying to diagnose why my Spell Checker in Evolution
doesn't function.  I've had a few conversations with some folks on the
Users list who were quite helpful but weren't able to come up with an
answer.  I thought I'd try this list and see if I can come up with a
        Basically, spell checking is no longer working.  It used to work just
fine, but somewhere amongst the flurry of upgrades, it ceased.  I
suspect it had something to do with the upgrade from Redhat 7.1 to
Redhat 7.2.  I'm currently running Evolution 1.2.1, and all my RPM's are
fully up to date:

rpm -qa | grep spell:
        Spell check doesn't work in the composer window, the language option in
the Edit menu of the composer window doesn't show up, and if I go into
Composer Preferences->Spell Checking, no dictionarie's are listed.  If I
run gnome-spell-component-0.5 by hand in a terminal window, then spell
checking will suddenly start working.  I can launch a composer window
and the option for what language to use will appear in the Edit menu.  I
do, however, have to go in and unselect English, then select it again to
cause the automatic spell checking to start working.  If I also go into
the Preferences, I see that I suddenly have an english dictionary
installed.  Once I send the mail off, the spell-component exits and I no
longer have spell check until I manually launch another one.
        Another piece of evidence is that, if I run gtkhtml-properties-capplet,
and cick on the Miscellaneous tab, spell-checking IS checked.  However,
if I click on "Configure Spell Checking" I get an error dialog that says
"Cannot execute GNOME Spell control applet.  Try to install GNOME Spell
if you dont' have it installed."  Meanwhile, the terminal window burps
up THIS error: "Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds:
returning -1"

Anyone have any ideas?

Aaron Smith                             vox: 269.226.9550 ext.26
Network Director                        fax: 269.349.9076       
Nexcerpt, Inc.                
        ...Nexcerpt... Extend Your Expertise

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