Hello People,

Just in case any is actually working on a solution to this rather urgent 
problem of mine, I have updated the vb_macro file with the updated 
conditions as I stated in my earlier post. I have added the POS/NEG 
conditions (outside bracket elements) as well as the VPOS/VNEG/PPOS/PNEG 

My grateful thanks for any assistance or contributions.

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Sub AutoFit_Format()
    With Selection.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 16
        .Pattern = xlSolid
    End With
    Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 2
    Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
'   Formats cells to 2 Decimal places
    Range("A1", Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    iCols = Selection.Columns.Count
        For ic = 1 To iCols
            If InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "SUPP") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "IM") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "LIFT") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "PG") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "DIFF") >= 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "CONF") >= 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "_CC") > 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "AVG") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            ElseIf InStr(Selection.Item(1, ic).Value, "MMRANK") = 1 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn(ic).NumberFormat = "0.00"
            End If
        Next ic
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End Sub

Sub FillEmpty()
' Fill in empty cells with dash: "-"
' David McRitchie  http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillempt.htm
    Dim WithWhat As Variant
    Dim Del_Char As Integer
    Del_Char = Len(Selection.End(xlDown).Select)
    If Del_Char = 4 Then
    End If
    iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
    iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
    WithWhat = "-"
    For iC = 1 To iColumns
       For iR = 1 To iRows
          If Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = "" Then
             Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = WithWhat
          End If
       Next iR
    Next iC
End Sub

Sub Color_Today_Cyan()
'    Color Entire Row Red if Prev_date is Today
    Dim str_Date As Date
    str_Date = Format("09/16/2011", "Short Date")
    iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
    iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
    For iC = 18 To 18
       For iR = 2 To iRows
            If Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = str_Date Then
            Selection.EntireRow(iR).Interior.ColorIndex = 28
            End If
       Next iR
    Next iC
End Sub

Sub Color_Active_Yellow()
' Color cells Yellow if Active
Dim CellVal As Variant
    iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
    iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
    For iC = 1 To iColumns
       For iR = 1 To iRows
           Select Case Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value
           Case "AA_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AAPL_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AIG_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AXP_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BA_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BAC_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BRKB_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "C_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CAT_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "COMPX_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CSCO_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CVX_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DD_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DIA_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DIS_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DJIA_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GE_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GLD_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GM_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GOOG_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HD_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HON_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HPQ_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "IBM_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "INTC_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "JNJ_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "JPM_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "KFT_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "KO_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MCD_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MMM_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MO_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MRK_ZERO"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MSFT_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "PFE_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "PG_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "SPXX_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "SPY_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "T_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "TLT_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "TRV_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "USO_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "UTX_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "VZ_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "WMT_NEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "XOM_POS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AA_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AAPL_VPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AIG_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "AXP_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BA_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BAC_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "BRKB_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "C_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CAT_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "COMPX_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CSCO_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "CVX_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DD_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DIA_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DIS_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "DJIA_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GE_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GLD_VPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GM_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "GOOG_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HD_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HON_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "HPQ_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "IBM_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "INTC_VPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "JNJ_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "JPM_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "KFT_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "KO_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MCD_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MMM_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MO_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MRK_ZERO"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "MSFT_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "PFE_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "PG_VPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "SPXX_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "SPY_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "T_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "TLT_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "TRV_VPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "USO_VNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "UTX_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "VZ_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "WMT_PNEG"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           Case "XOM_PPOS"
           Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           End Select
      Next iR
    Next iC
End Sub

Sub Color_InBody_Green()
' Color Element Green if in Body
    Dim str_Body As Variant
    Dim str_Element As Variant
    Dim cell_clr As Integer
    iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
    iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
    For iC = 1 To iColumns
       For iR = 1 To iRows
          str_Body = Selection.Item(iR, 13).Value
          str_Element = Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value
          If Len(str_Element) >= 5 Then
            If InStr(str_Body, str_Element) Then
                cell_clr = Selection.Item(iR, 13).Interior.ColorIndex
                Selection.Item(iR, iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
                Selection.Item(iR, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = cell_clr
                End If
            End If
       Next iR
    Next iC
End Sub

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