We have an Exchange enterprise of about 10 000 mailboxes.  We have a mixture
of clients ranging from Exchange clients to Outlook 2000 to Netscape IMAP
clients using SMTP to relay outbound email.  Currently, in some of our more
remote sites we have some of the IMAP users who need a local relay host, to
prevent slowing of the client while sending mail.  We have narrowed it down
to 2 solutions.  I would like some external opinions as to which is the
better solution. (more reliable, more secure, more efficient) Our enterprise
is Exchange 5.5 SP 4 running on Windows 2000 Advanced server.  



Option 1.  Install a local IMS and allow relaying of mail traffic.

Option 2.  Use the IIS SMTP service installed on the box to relay all SMTP
traffic to the backbone relay hosts.  

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