The process doesn't necessarily have to shut the pc down.  It's a laptop
and it will hibernate.  These are XP pro laptops.  I know about the
scheduled task.  That is mainly what I am looking to do.  I am just
looking for a switch that performs a s/r when Outlook opens.  Outlook
already will then detect the connection state and dial.  It will
disconnect automatically when it's done downloading all the mail to the
OST.  You don't need to specify a time for how long it needs to
download.  I am just trying to find something that hits F9 when Outlook
opens.  I can get outlook to open I just need a command for 1 stinking
key stroke.  After that I know how to get Outlook to do the rest.  If
Outlook is open in the morning when the user wakes up that's fine.  We
can live with that.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Nicholson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 2:30 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

Well... First of all, Chris isn't being a jerk.  In addition, if you're
using your client's resources -- ie, the phone and the computer -- for
several hours at night, don't they deserve renumeration?


What you want is for Outlook to start, dial up the server, download
mail, hang up, and shut off.

Ok.  I suppose that might be doable, sort of.

Now, you don't mention what operating system your users are using.  I
program called "Scheduled Tasks".  In that, you can schedule outlook to
be launched, and if you look at the advanced properties of the task, on
the SETTINGS tab you'll see a check box for "Stop the Task if it runs
for X hours and X minutes."  That MIGHT shut outlook down.  Honestly, I
don't know.  You can test it and try.

Even if it does, there's no way for the task to know if all the mail has
been downloaded, so you'll have to guess.  Also, I doubt that this would
be a graceful shutdown, so you run the risk of causing problems with
your PSTs, which you must be using.

As Daniel said, there are rarely technological solutions to behavioral
problems.  I think this is one of those times, and the real solution is
to "fix" it very differently.

A far better solution is a VPN, as has been mentioned, or even Outlook
Web Access, which might be somewhat faster than POPing.

Did you look at the technet article Chris kindly posted?

Drew Nicholson
Technical Writer
Network Engineer
LAN Manager
312-372-7188 (work)
312-543-0008 (cell)
Born To Edit

-----Original Message-----
From: Gonzalez, Alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:07 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Command Switch or 3rd Party software for Send/Recieve on

Your being a total jerk about this question.  I don't see what isn't
technical about this question.  It wasn't a question of what our people
do, its how to automate our systems so they don't have to do as much
manual work and bill for it. Daniel Chenault hit the nail on the head.
It is creating a technical solution for a non technical problem.  Isn't
that what technology does?  I apologize if I didn't give enough detail.
These users are all on dialup and receive large emails with large
attachments (pictures mainly) all day.  When they go to synchronize
their inbox it can take up to 2 hours for all the mail to download.  The
company doesn't want them billing for the time it takes to sit in front
of their laptops waiting for it to download.  They would rather schedule
it at night and just have the rep read it while they are in the field
the next day.  As far as the question goes here is a refresher:

Does anyone know of a command switch for Outlook.exe in Outlook XP that
I could create a scheduled task that would open Outlook and perform a
Send/Receive and then close Outlook?  Or is there any third party
software that would do this.  Remember this is Outlook XP and the
security is different.

All you had to do was post back if you knew something.  You don't have
to be rude about it.  Whether the user is awake or asleep is irrelevant
all I needed to know is if you knew of anything.  Maybe you don't know
what a command switch is?  I don't know.  All I am looking for is
something like "Outlook /sendreceive" (obviously that isn't it or I
wouldn't be posting this), so that I could put the switch in the
scheduled task to run Outlook.exe, setup Outlook to dial if there is no
connection, run a send/receive, and be done with it.  Or if there was a
third party app that would do this for me.   


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