Ever since I did the update on scanmail, our problem went away.

We don't have a metaframe server but almost the same thing happened to 2
of my exchange servers (we have 7).  The WWW service would go down
almost at the same time on both servers.  I originally thought we were
hit by a virus but I did a scan and both servers were clean.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Beckwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 9:25 AM
To: Exchange Discussions

I have an update on this issue for those of you still following it, and
another question.

First, I am still in the process of getting the latest version of
ScanMail (6.1) from Trend. Apparently 5.1 is no longer supported and
they won't talk to me until I get up to date. Also, the problem has been
accelerating; we are now seeing the services crash daily and sometimes
multiple times daily. 

The question is, do any of you out there who have heard of this issue
also have a MetaFrame server in your organization and have you seen it
acting strangely as well? We have seen, on several occasions, the
MetaFrame server's WWW Publishing Service stop unexpectedly at around
the same time as the Exchange services go down. 

As always, I welcome any input or suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Beckwith
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 11:12 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Exchange 2000 Services crashing and server rebooting...

I have a question to run by the list that I have been unsuccessful in
finding any definitive answers to anywhere else. About a month ago, we
started having problems with our Exchange 2000 server. It is Ex2K SP3
running on Win2K SP3. At intervals between a couple days and a week, we
notice that a number of System Services shut down unexpectedly. Upon
looking at the event logs we see the following sequence of events. 

Event Id: 7031  The IIS Admin Service service terminated unexpectedly...
Event Id: 7031  The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service terminated 
Event Id: 7031  The Network News Transport (NNTP) service terminated 
Event Id: 7031  The Microsoft Exchange POP3 terminated unexpectedly...
Event Id: 7031  The Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine service terminated

Event Id: 7031  The Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) service
Event Id: 7031  The World Wide Web Publishing service terminated

On 2 occasions, this sequence was followed by the server rebooting on
its own and generating an event ID 6008 "the previous shutdown...was

I searched the MSKB and the only thing I could find that seemed to
relate was a reference to lingering issues from the CodeRed virus. I
used Trend Micro's system cleanup application and confirmed that there
were no indications of infection on the server.

I am hoping there are others out there that may have seen something like
this that can offer some suggestions short of reinstalling the entire
system. Please help.

Thanks in advance...

                Ray Beckwith
                Network Administrator
                California Credit Union League
                Information Technology
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thought for the day:
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes which can be made in
a very narrow field.
                --Niels Bohr

An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be
made in his subject, and how to avoid them.
                --Werner Karl Heisenberg 

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