That's it.
The greg filter is being applied

John Parker, MCSE
IS Admin.
Senior Technical Specialist
Alpha Display Systems.

Alpha Video
7711 Computer Ave.
Edina, MN. 55435
952-896-9898 Local
800-388-0008 Watts
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952-841-3327 Direct

"Be excellent to each other"
---End of Line---

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Fretz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:40 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

Not to mention all of the herpes outbreak medication commercials that you
can star in....

Eric Fretz

L-3 Communications
ComCept Division
2800 Discovery Blvd.
Rockwall, TX 75032
tel:   972.772.7501
fax:  972.772.7510

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Hummert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:39 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

But according to the commercials on TV it's hip to get herpes. You can do
all these cool things like rafting and mountain climbing when you have

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Sadler
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 9:35 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

That what they said about herpes :)

Bob Sadler

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Hummert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:31 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

If people would just quit responding to him, he would go away.  

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Winzenz
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 9:32 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

Then you live your ethics, and let the rest of us live ours.  Then, when the
IT industry goes to hell in a handbasket, you can blame us all for it's
demise.  We (speaking collectively here) don't believe that MVP's are
unethical for receiving a small stipend or gift (whatever it might be).  You
do.  That's fine, but stop trying to force it upon the rest of us.  Our
views aren't going to change, and your views aren't going to change, so let
it rest. 

Ben Winzenz
Network Engineer
Gardner & White
(317) 581-1580 ext 418

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Posted At: Monday, December
22, 2003 12:24 PM Posted To: Exchange (Swynk)
Conversation: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

I got to the first paragraph in your post and pretty much quit reading. 

I do not claim that all MVP's are Microsoft wh0res. I simply don't claim
that. In fact, I have posted things in direct opposition to that claim. If
you are going to make such blatant mis-characterizations, then I am not
going to respond to the rest of your post, which I can only assume you will
then take as "proof" that you are right or that I "cannot make rational
arguments" or whatever other non-sense you want to claim.

"Ethical god"? Please. I have, nor ever will claim to be an "ethical god". I
have my set of ethics that I follow, period. And I did not bring up this
whole point of ethics on this list. I posted an email about "Migrating from
GroupWise 6.5" that then degenerated into this mess. Thank your buddy Ed for

And about this claim that I am not following my own ethical guidelines. Hey,
there may be some truth to it. I haven't seen any proof from what miserable
evidence you have supplied, but I am more than willing to admit that I may
not live up to every single bit of the ethical code that I have. Know what?
It doesn't matter. An ethical code is the ceiling, it is what everyone
should aspire to, but it is not expected that everyone will ALWAYS actually
achieve every single little detail. That's not what ethics is about. The
laws are the floor, the ethical code the ceiling, aspire to get as close to
the ceiling as possible. All I can say is that I try my absolute hardest,
every day, to meet my own ethical standards. Do I succeed every day? No, but

Finally, just because the officer that tickets you for speeding murdered his
wife last night doesn't mean that you DIDN'T break the law for speeding.

> I have no credibility because I don't say BOO?  Ok then...BOO
> Do I get credibility now?
> In all seriousness, I'm not the one who claims that all MVP's are 
> Microsoft Whores or that MVP's are doing anything wrong in their
> Since, you are the one that brought up the point of ethics, I assumed 
> it was you that were claiming to be the "ethical god" here.  Perhaps 
> your pointing out that you don't accept gifts because of your ethics 
> was where I went astray.
> As for the litmus test you are under, I suggest you read your own 
> website.  YOU are working for that company, and YOU are the one that 
> should be upholding ALL the virtues of that company, not me, not ED, 
> not TONY, heck, not even DON; only you!  You don't like what your 
> company puts up as a litmus test, then I suggest you find a job
> One thing still stands, you still aren't drumming up business in this 
> list when you "explode" on potential customers.  I hope you never 
> decide to come calling on my account, I'm sure your boss would like to

> know the reason I refused you a meeting was because you don't know 
> when to shut up.
> As for the name-calling that goes on this list, I suggest you shut up,

> sit back, and learn.  Sure, Ed, Tony, and Don (and a few more) can 
> certainly be grating on someone's nerves, but I will promise you, they

> know more about Exchange Systems then you could wish to know in a 
> lifetime.  While I don't choose to instruct in the same way these 
> people do, I certainly understand where they get to the point and call

> someone an idiot for not looking up an issue like "How do I turn on my
> before posting it to the list.
> Remember, the people on this list are under ZERO obligation to help 
> you, or anyone else.  When they do choose to help, they can save your 
> butt more times then not.  But they WILL NOT, nor should the be 
> expected to, put up with damn fools that ask a question that would be 
> answered faster if that person would have taken the time to research 
> the question themselves.
> Sure, I don't like being called Lazy, but I promise, it took only once

> from ED to make me understand that I better research the hell out of 
> something before I bring it here.  Even then, I don't expect Ed, or 
> the rest, to be nice when it's a stupid ass mistake I made myself and 
> have no one to blame but myself.
> You don't like the people in this list, change to a different list. 
> But don't complain about the free service you get here, just because 
> you don't like it when someone calls you a stupid fool for not doing 
> your homework before you got here.
> Bob Sadler
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:51 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics
> First, you have no credibility on the point. You find the phrase "I 
> finish them (fights)" offensive but not someone being called a "liar",

> "stupid", "idiot", "wife beater". You simply have zaro credibility.
> Second, as for your other two points, our customers and potential 
> customers are made well aware of any and all potential conflicts of 
> interest. We practice full disclosure. In addition, meeting with a 
> vendor to talk about their new products is in no way even CLOSE to 
> accepting a title or gift from said vendor. But, there is no point to 
> even debating this with you because you are never going to see it 
> because you are going to deny the obvious. Yes, I have to deal with 
> vendors just like everyone else in this industry. It is a fact of
> But, I don't have to like it and no, generally, I almost NEVER meet 
> with vendors and when I do, it is for specific purposes, I get in, get

> the information and get out.
> Finally, you have obviously shown your bias by claiming that I claim 
> to be the "all ethical" sort. And to my knowledge, I have no "ethics
> that I have created. This is a blatant mis-characterization and 
> exposes your bias. I am not, nor ever will be "all ethical" and 
> "holier than thou". I have *different* ethics apparently than many on 
> this board, but I have never claimed to be perfect or that my ethics 
> are the end all, be all. Yes, I have paid to attend conventions, I 
> have paid to be a Microsoft "partner". In some strict ethical vaccuum 
> those may be considered unethical, but this is the real world. And 
> besides that, there is a clear, bright line between paying a vendor to

> attend a convention and accepting a pure gift from a vendor. That 
> bright line is what I have been talking about, but you are never going

> to see it because you will never admit to the obvious and just want to

> pick a fight.
> And yes, for all of you out there, I am nearly certain that, in my 
> youth, I accepted direct gifts from vendors. I cannot recall any 
> particular occassion, but I'm willing to bet that it probably
> And guess what? I stopped that long, long, long ago because IT IS
> So, to sum it up, you have no credibility that you have been
> in any way because there have been lots more offensive stuff said that

> you have not said boo about. And, you are in self-denial about the 
> DISTINCT difference between accepting a pure gift from a vendor and 
> PAYING that vendor to attend a convention, etc. Here's a hint. One 
> costs you money, the other doesn't.
> > I am not "quibbling" with what you said, I'm instead taking offense 
> > at
> > what you said.  You see, you can't claim to be the "all ethical" 
> >sort=20  you want, if you can't even pass the ethics test of your own

> >making. =20  I didn't post any of those points on your website, 
> >someone from YOUR=20  company did, and you are the one claiming to
hold them near and dear.
> >=20
> > How interesting that you choose to respond ONLY to one point, and 
> >then
> > make irrelevant statements about people calling you names. =20 Since 
> > I didn't call you names sir, perhaps you should go back and=20

> >re-read the whole message.  It's not that I consider you a liar, 
> >or=20  that you are stupid.  I now consider you incapable of having 
> >any type=20  of intelligent discussion based on the fact that you 
> >choose to ignore=20  2/3rds of what was posted, or should I just 
> >assume that you chose not=20  to discuss those points because you 
> >couldn't keep your "I have my=20  Ethics" argument and all this would
be moot?
> >=20
> > Speaking of MOOT, can anyone tell me what top 10 classic rock 
> >single=20  contains the word "MOOT"? =20
> >=20
> >=20
> > Bob Sadler
> >=20
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 9:50 AM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics =20 =20  So 
> >you are going to quibble with things that "I" said? You people are=20

> >so whacked out that it is utterly incomprehensible. So where were 
> >you=20  when I was called a "liar" or a "wife beater" or "stupid" or 
> >"idiot"=20  or that I "starve children". All of that is OK in your 
> >whacky bizarro=20  world, but explaining to someone that if you start

> >a fight (in email=20  for Christ's
> > sake) that I will finish that fight. Oh that is TERRIBLE! How could
> you
> > SAY such a thing. Never mind the "liar", "stupid", "idiot" stuff,
> > sir, is uncalled for.
> >=20
> > Bob, you amaze me.
> >=20
> > > You know, I'm just as happy to NOT read this dribble, but when=20 
> > > someone
> >=20
> > > points out so wonderfully how ethical they are, and we can all 
> > > go=20 to=3D20 to prove it, then 
> > > someone =
> like
> > > me just
> >=20
> > > might go there and read, and low and behold what is it we find? =
> =3D20
> > > Well, this character Greg, wants us all to believe his "ethics"
> are=3D20
> > > without question.  So, let's take a look at his ethics page and
> see=3D20
> > > what he's supposed to be doing.
> > >=3D20
> > > First, Greg's point of vendor conflict is answered here: =3D20  To 
> > >never accept compensation from vendors for recommending =3D
> > products=3D3D20
> > >=3D20
> > > One must ask then Greg, have you ever been to a seminar,=20 
> > >conference,=3D20  or LUNCH where the vendor presenting paid for 
> > >the=20 meal, the snacks,=3D20  the coffee? =3D20  Second, Greg's 
> > >list of ethics claim: =3D20
> > > To disclose any and all influences that may affect our=3D20  
> > >recommendations=3D3D20 =3D20  Greg, does this mean that if I were 
> > >to speak to you over the
> phone,=3D20
> > > you would tell me just how many times your Cisco, Microsoft, =
> Bay=3D20
> > > Networks, etc., Rep. has called?  Or are you saying that you
> never=3D20
> > > meet with the vendors to discuss how their products can benefit
> your=3D20
> > > customers?  Do you ever read trade magazines that discuss the use
> of=3D20
> > > one vendors products over another?  Will you then tell me all =
> the=3D20
> > > magazines you read, what date, publication, page number, etc?
> > >=3D20  Third, Greg's list goes on to say:
> > >=3D20
> > > To be fair and accurate when resolving disputes, problems or
> issues=3D20
> > > [and] To conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all
> times=3D3D20
> > >=3D20
> > > One must ask then Greg, exactly how does your statement of:
> "Wrong.=3D20
> > > You brought it up by throwing stones my way. I don't pick fights,
> I=3D20
> > > finish them." work into these statements?
> > >=3D20
> > > This is just what I don't need in a vendor.  Someone who believes
> he's
> >=20
> > > always right, and if he is going to have a fight with his=20 
> > >customers,=3D20  HE'S going to finish it.  I can see now why 
> > >people=20 flock to your=3D20  organization Greg. =3D20  The point 
> > >is, don't say something matters a great deal to you,
> and=3D20
> > > then give this list plenty of examples showing that apparently =
> it=3D20
> > > doesn't. You want to wave a flag around and say "I have ethics"
> and=3D20
> > > yet not live by those same ethics, then be prepared to be
> inundated=3D20
> > > with the onslaught.
> > >=3D20
> > > I would trust Ed, Tom, Tony, and even Don, further then I would
> trust=3D20
> > > someone yelling about how ethical they are and at the same time
> say=3D20
> > > they'll finish any fight.
> > >=3D20
> > > It's time to throttle back now greg, and realize this.  You are =
> a=3D20
> > > Sales Manager for a company that apparently you are supposed to
> be=3D20
> > > drumming up business for.  Just how much business do you think
> you=3D20
> > > have generated on this list after acting in the manner you did?
> > >=3D20  Bob Sadler
> > >=3D20
> > > -----Original Message-----
> >=20
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