We blame you for having the balls to even dream of asking for assistance on
a list where 90-100% of the Exchange MVP's reside after bashing them many
times over...  Get over yourself.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 12:47 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

I HAVE tried to let it rest. Ed brought up this whole topic from a message
posted as "Migrating from GroupWise 6.5". Don't blame me for bringing the
topic up because I DIDN'T BRING THE TOPIC UP.

And no, I never said that MVP's would cause the demise of the computer
industry. What I said was, today we have a choice to either regulate
ourselves or to wait for government to regulate us. That is what I said. I
am more than happy to wait around for government to regulate us, that's why
I don't bring up this whole "ethics" discussion. The computer industry is
not going away, it will simply be more regulated. If we do it ourselves, we
have a say in those regulations. If we do not, then government gets to have
that say.

> Then you live your ethics, and let the rest of us live ours.  Then, 
> when the IT industry goes to hell in a handbasket, you can blame us 
> all for it's demise.  We (speaking collectively here) don't believe 
> that MVP's are unethical for receiving a small stipend or gift 
> (whatever it might be).  You do.  That's fine, but stop trying to 
> force it upon the rest of us.  Our views aren't going to change, and 
> your views aren't going to change, so let it rest.=20
> Ben Winzenz
> Network Engineer
> Gardner & White
> (317) 581-1580 ext 418
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Posted At: Monday, 
> December 22, 2003 12:24 PM Posted To: Exchange (Swynk)
> Conversation: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics
> Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics
> I got to the first paragraph in your post and pretty much quit 
> reading.=20
> I do not claim that all MVP's are Microsoft wh0res. I simply don't 
> claim that. In fact, I have posted things in direct opposition to that
> If you are going to make such blatant mis-characterizations, then I am 
> not going to respond to the rest of your post, which I can only assume 
> you will then take as "proof" that you are right or that I "cannot 
> make rational arguments" or whatever other non-sense you want to claim.
> "Ethical god"? Please. I have, nor ever will claim to be an "ethical 
> god".
> I have my set of ethics that I follow, period. And I did not bring up 
> this whole point of ethics on this list. I posted an email about 
> "Migrating from GroupWise 6.5" that then degenerated into this mess.
> Thank your buddy Ed for that.
> And about this claim that I am not following my own ethical guidelines.
> Hey, there may be some truth to it. I haven't seen any proof from what 
> miserable evidence you have supplied, but I am more than willing to 
> admit that I may not live up to every single bit of the ethical code 
> that I have. Know what? It doesn't matter. An ethical code is the 
> ceiling, it is what everyone should aspire to, but it is not expected 
> that everyone will ALWAYS actually achieve every single little detail.
> That's not what ethics is about. The laws are the floor, the ethical 
> code the ceiling, aspire to get as close to the ceiling as possible. 
> All I can say is that I try my absolute hardest, every day, to meet my 
> own ethical standards. Do I succeed every day? No, but I TRY.
> Finally, just because the officer that tickets you for speeding 
> murdered his wife last night doesn't mean that you DIDN'T break the 
> law for speeding.
> > I have no credibility because I don't say BOO?  Ok then...BOO =20  
> >Do I get credibility now?
> >=20
> > In all seriousness, I'm not the one who claims that all MVP's are=20  
> >Microsoft Whores or that MVP's are doing anything wrong in their
> world.
> > Since, you are the one that brought up the point of ethics, I 
> >assumed=20  it was you that were claiming to be the "ethical god" 
> >here.  Perhaps=20  your pointing out that you don't accept gifts 
> >because of your ethics=20  was where I went astray.
> >=20
> > As for the litmus test you are under, I suggest you read your own=20  
> >website.  YOU are working for that company, and YOU are the one 
> >that=20  should be upholding ALL the virtues of that company, not me, 
> >not ED,=20  not TONY, heck, not even DON; only you!  You don't like 
> >what your=20  company puts up as a litmus test, then I suggest you 
> >find a job
> elsewhere.
> >=20
> > One thing still stands, you still aren't drumming up business in 
> >this=20  list when you "explode" on potential customers.  I hope you 
> >never=20  decide to come calling on my account, I'm sure your boss 
> >would like to
> > know the reason I refused you a meeting was because you don't 
> >know=20  when to shut up.
> >=20
> > As for the name-calling that goes on this list, I suggest you shut 
> >up,
> > sit back, and learn.  Sure, Ed, Tony, and Don (and a few more) 
> > can=20 certainly be grating on someone's nerves, but I will promise 
> > you, they
> > know more about Exchange Systems then you could wish to know in a=20 
> > lifetime.  While I don't choose to instruct in the same way these=20 
> > people do, I certainly understand where they get to the point and 
> > call
> > someone an idiot for not looking up an issue like "How do I turn on 
> > my
> computer"
> > before posting it to the list.
> >=20
> > Remember, the people on this list are under ZERO obligation to 
> >help=20  you, or anyone else.  When they do choose to help, they can 
> >save your=20  butt more times then not.  But they WILL NOT, nor 
> >should the be=20  expected to, put up with damn fools that ask a 
> >question that would be=20  answered faster if that person would have 
> >taken the time to research=20  the question themselves.
> >=20
> > Sure, I don't like being called Lazy, but I promise, it took only 
> >once
> > from ED to make me understand that I better research the hell out 
> >of=20  something before I bring it here.  Even then, I don't expect 
> >Ed, or=20  the rest, to be nice when it's a stupid ass mistake I made 
> >myself and=20  have no one to blame but myself.
> >=20
> > You don't like the people in this list, change to a different list. 
> >=20  But don't complain about the free service you get here, just 
> >because=20  you don't like it when someone calls you a stupid fool 
> >for not doing=20  your homework before you got here.
> >=20
> >=20
> >=20
> > Bob Sadler
> >=20
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:51 AM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics =20 =20  
> >First, you have no credibility on the point. You find the phrase 
> >"I=20  finish them (fights)" offensive but not someone being called a 
> >"liar",
> > "stupid", "idiot", "wife beater". You simply have zaro credibility.
> >=20
> > Second, as for your other two points, our customers and potential=20  
> >customers are made well aware of any and all potential conflicts 
> >of=20  interest. We practice full disclosure. In addition, meeting 
> >with a=20  vendor to talk about their new products is in no way even 
> >CLOSE to=20  accepting a title or gift from said vendor. But, there 
> >is no point to=20  even debating this with you because you are never 
> >going to see it=20  because you are going to deny the obvious. Yes, I 
> >have to deal with=20  vendors just like everyone else in this 
> >industry. It is a fact of
> life.
> > But, I don't have to like it and no, generally, I almost NEVER 
> > meet=20 with vendors and when I do, it is for specific purposes, I 
> > get in, get
> > the information and get out.
> >=20
> > Finally, you have obviously shown your bias by claiming that I 
> >claim=20  to be the "all ethical" sort. And to my knowledge, I have 
> >no "ethics
> test"
> > that I have created. This is a blatant mis-characterization and=20 
> > exposes your bias. I am not, nor ever will be "all ethical" and=20 
> > "holier than thou". I have *different* ethics apparently than many 
> > on=20 this board, but I have never claimed to be perfect or that my 
> > ethics=20 are the end all, be all. Yes, I have paid to attend 
> > conventions, I=20 have paid to be a Microsoft "partner". In some 
> > strict ethical vaccuum=20 those may be considered unethical, but 
> > this is the real world. And=20 besides that, there is a clear, 
> > bright line between paying a vendor to
> > attend a convention and accepting a pure gift from a vendor. That=20 
> > bright line is what I have been talking about, but you are never 
> > going
> > to see it because you will never admit to the obvious and just want 
> > to
> > pick a fight.
> >=20
> > And yes, for all of you out there, I am nearly certain that, in 
> >my=20  youth, I accepted direct gifts from vendors. I cannot recall 
> >any=20  particular occassion, but I'm willing to bet that it probably
> occurred.
> > And guess what? I stopped that long, long, long ago because IT IS
> >=20
> > So, to sum it up, you have no credibility that you have been
> "offended"
> > in any way because there have been lots more offensive stuff said 
> > that
> > you have not said boo about. And, you are in self-denial about 
> >the=20  DISTINCT difference between accepting a pure gift from a 
> >vendor and=20  PAYING that vendor to attend a convention, etc. Here's 
> >a hint. One=20  costs you money, the other doesn't.
> >=20
> > > I am not "quibbling" with what you said, I'm instead taking 
> > > offense=20 at
> >=20
> > > what you said.  You see, you can't claim to be the "all 
> > >ethical"=20 sort=3D20  you want, if you can't even pass the ethics 
> > >test of your =
> own
> > >making. =3D20  I didn't post any of those points on your 
> > >website,=20 someone from YOUR=3D20  company did, and you are the 
> > >one claiming to
> hold them near and dear.
> > >=3D20
> > > How interesting that you choose to respond ONLY to one point, 
> > >and=20 then
> >=20
> > > make irrelevant statements about people calling you names.
> > >=3D20
> > > Since I didn't call you names sir, perhaps you should go back =
> and=3D20
> > >re-read the whole message.  It's not that I consider you a liar,=20 
> > >or=3D20  that you are stupid.  I now consider you incapable of 
> > >having =
> > >any type=3D20  of intelligent discussion based on the fact that 
> > >you=20 choose to ignore=3D20  2/3rds of what was posted, or should 
> > >I just=20 assume that you chose not=3D20  to discuss those points 
> > >because you=20 couldn't keep your "I have my=3D20  Ethics" argument 
> > >and all this =
> would
> be moot?
> > >=3D20
> > > Speaking of MOOT, can anyone tell me what top 10 classic rock=20 
> > >single=3D20  contains the word "MOOT"?
> > >=3D20
> > >=3D20
> > >=3D20
> > > Bob Sadler
> > >=3D20
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 9:50 AM
> > > To: Exchange Discussions
> > > Subject: RE: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics =3D20 
> > >=3D20  =
> So=20
> > >you are going to quibble with things that "I" said? You people =
> are=3D20
> > >so whacked out that it is utterly incomprehensible. So where 
> > >were=20 you=3D20  when I was called a "liar" or a "wife beater" or 
> > >"stupid" =
> or=20
> > >"idiot"=3D20  or that I "starve children". All of that is OK in 
> > >your=20 whacky bizarro=3D20  world, but explaining to someone that 
> > >if you =
> start
> > >a fight (in email=3D20  for Christ's
> > > sake) that I will finish that fight. Oh that is TERRIBLE! How 
> > >could
> > you
> > > SAY such a thing. Never mind the "liar", "stupid", "idiot" stuff,
> > THAT,
> > > sir, is uncalled for.
> > >=3D20
> > > Bob, you amaze me.
> > >=3D20
> > > > You know, I'm just as happy to NOT read this dribble, but =
> when=3D20=20
> > > > someone
> > >=3D20
> > > > points out so wonderfully how ethical they are, and we can 
> > > > all=20 go=3D20 to=3D3D20 www.infonition.com/ethics.shtml to 
> > > > prove it, =
> then=20
> > > > someone =3D
> > like
> >=20
> > > > me just
> > >=3D20
> > > > might go there and read, and low and behold what is it we find? 
> > > > =
> =3D
> > =3D3D20
> > > > Well, this character Greg, wants us all to believe his "ethics"
> > are=3D3D20
> > > > without question.  So, let's take a look at his ethics page and
> > see=3D3D20
> > > > what he's supposed to be doing.
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > First, Greg's point of vendor conflict is answered here:
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > To never accept compensation from vendors for recommending =3D3D
> > > products=3D3D3D20
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > One must ask then Greg, have you ever been to a seminar,=3D20=20 
> > > >conference,=3D3D20  or LUNCH where the vendor presenting paid 
> > > >for=20 the=3D20 meal, the snacks,=3D3D20  the coffee? =3D3D20  
> > > >Second, =
> Greg's=20
> > > >list of ethics claim:
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > To disclose any and all influences that may affect our=3D3D20 
> > > >=20 recommendations=3D3D3D20 =3D3D20  Greg, does this mean that 
> > > >if I =
> were=20
> > > >to speak to you over the
> > phone,=3D3D20
> > > > you would tell me just how many times your Cisco, Microsoft, =3D
> > Bay=3D3D20
> > > > Networks, etc., Rep. has called?  Or are you saying that you
> > never=3D3D20
> > > > meet with the vendors to discuss how their products can benefit
> > your=3D3D20
> > > > customers?  Do you ever read trade magazines that discuss the 
> > > > use
> > of=3D3D20
> > > > one vendors products over another?  Will you then tell me all 
> > > > =3D
> > the=3D3D20
> > > > magazines you read, what date, publication, page number, etc?
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > Third, Greg's list goes on to say:
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > To be fair and accurate when resolving disputes, problems or
> > issues=3D3D20
> > > > [and] To conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all
> > times=3D3D3D20
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > One must ask then Greg, exactly how does your statement of:
> > "Wrong.=3D3D20
> > > > You brought it up by throwing stones my way. I don't pick 
> > > > fights,
> > I=3D3D20
> > > > finish them." work into these statements?
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > This is just what I don't need in a vendor.  Someone who 
> > > >believes
> > he's
> > >=3D20
> > > > always right, and if he is going to have a fight with 
> > > >his=3D20=20 customers,=3D3D20  HE'S going to finish it.  I can 
> > > >see now why=20 people=3D20 flock to your=3D3D20  organization 
> > > >Greg. =3D3D20  The =
> point=20
> > > >is, don't say something matters a great deal to you,
> > and=3D3D20
> > > > then give this list plenty of examples showing that apparently 
> > > > =3D
> > it=3D3D20
> > > > doesn't. You want to wave a flag around and say "I have ethics"
> > and=3D3D20
> > > > yet not live by those same ethics, then be prepared to be
> > inundated=3D3D20
> > > > with the onslaught.
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > I would trust Ed, Tom, Tony, and even Don, further then I would
> > trust=3D3D20
> > > > someone yelling about how ethical they are and at the same time
> > say=3D3D20
> > > > they'll finish any fight.
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > It's time to throttle back now greg, and realize this.  You are 
> > > >=
> =3D
> > a=3D3D20
> > > > Sales Manager for a company that apparently you are supposed to
> > be=3D3D20
> > > > drumming up business for.  Just how much business do you think
> > you=3D3D20
> > > > have generated on this list after acting in the manner you did?
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > Bob Sadler
> > > >=3D3D20
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > >=3D20
> > > _________________________________________________________________
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> http://intm-dl.sparklist.com/cgi-bin/lyris.pl?enter=3D3D3Dexchange&tex
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