(A threat of) physical violence is so UGLY. I think Don would respond more
to a cerebral challenge. That's certainly how most of us do it!


-----Original Message-----
From: GDM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 September 2001 13:08
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space

Don Ely is an ass. I hate the way he puts people down.
I enjoy reading about the different problems that
people have and the possible solutions that are
presented. When I see his comments, I want to kick his
teeth in.

--- Don Ely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ever heard of NT Backup?  It does "online" backups
> and you don't have to
> worry about using some crappy product like
> ArcCrapIt.  That way you can
> do backups the way they are supposed to be done
> versus the way you're
> making an excuse for it to be done.
> Stop making it so hard on yourself and go buy some
> disks for the server.
> Which drive is running out of space anyway?  Is it
> the 2GB or the 6.5GB
> partition?  How big is your IS?  Where are your
> transaction logs
> located?
> Why do you have such a nice server with such a poor
> configuration?
> Whether or not you inherited it, it is up to you to
> fix it.  That is...
> If you choose to.  From the sounds of it you have
> chosen not to.  You
> have chosen poorly...
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 1:46 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space
> Ok,
> It would seem that all of you know that Arcserve
> stinks, you know that I
> know that, oh and who said anything about using an
> arcserve agent, we
> stop all services and do full disk backup to tape
> daily.  But if I
> cannot get money to buy drives how do I replace the
> backup software
> whilst staying legal???  I inherited this, it was
> not choice believe me
> ;-)
> Now, can someone help me out here and let me know
> how to get to the 1Gb
> showing against the internet mail service in mailbox
> resources?  Please?
> Duncan
> ---------- Original Message
> ----------------------------------
> From: "Lefkovics, William"
> Reply-To: "MS-Exchange Admin Issues"
> Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 11:45:27 -0700 
> >LOL!
> > 
> >Offline backups = infrequent additional backup
> support for online 
> >backups Circular Logging = only for front end
> machines with no 
> >mailboxes DarkServeIT Exchange Agent = for
> masochistic admins
> > 
> >NTBackup for 60GB on 2 servers?  Wow.
> > 
> >Cause offense?  Here?  Bring it on, babe!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: EALES, Jack / RSAIFS - IOM
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 7:22 AM
> >To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> >Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space
> >
> >
> >Michele, (sorry can't find the keystroke to do the
> accent ;-p) I was 
> >under the impression the Agents for Exchange (i.e.
> Brick Level Backups 
> >- sorry to swear William.. ) were BAD?? I've never
> used BE (more's the 
> >pity) but I have had the same experiences as
> William - 
> >Arrrggghhhhhserve and agents ..... all of which are
> not even good 
> >enough to be classified as terrible....... that
> would be insulting to 
> >bad software ;-)
> > 
> >I know OFE and Exchange is a no - no ..... but
> NTBackup works just 
> >dandy for us and our 60Gb+ on 2 servers Exchange
> 5.5 setup here....
> > 
> >I was warning him based on the fact that he stated
> clearly that he 
> >currently uses A* <mailto:A*&@%rve> &@%rve...... I
> can't bring myself 
> >to use it's name in public any more.... and does an
> offline 
> >backup...... so their agent would be the "logical"
> choice for him and 
> >that would be BAD BAD BAD (back me up here William
> - PLEASE??)
> > 
> >Sorry if I cause offence.... but it's something I
> can get a little 
> >passionate about... Jack
> > 
> >-----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: 07 September 2001 15:09
> >To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> >Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space
> >
> >
> >Jack?  Are you equating "BE w/ Exchange Agent"
> (which is good) with 
> >"Open File Agent" (which is BAD)?
> > 
> >-Michèle
> >Immigration site: http://LadySun1969.tripod.com 
> ><http://ladysun1969.tripod.com/>
> >Our new 2001 Miata:
> http://members.cardomain.com/bpituley
> ><http://members.cardomain.com/bpituley>  
> >Tiggercam: http://www.tiggercam.co.uk
> <http://www.tiggercam.co.uk/>  
> >"Rikki-Kon-Tiki-Tavi"- Thor Heyerdahl recounts his
> attempt to prove
> Rudyard
> >Kipling's theory that the mongoose first came to
> India on a raft from
> >Polynesia. (David Laughton, Washington, DC) 
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: EALES, Jack / RSAIFS - IOM
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 9:57 AM
> >To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> >Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space
> >
> >
> >Save even more money and grief - leave the agent
> out of it and use 
> >NTBackup
> >- no need or offline backups and less grief long
> term..... see the
> archives
> >for extensive discussion on the PRO (note the lack
> of "s") and <20
> using
> >agents....
> > 
> >Spend the money on good hardware - make your life
> easy....
> > 
> >Jack
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Ellery July [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: 07 September 2001 14:42
> >To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> >Subject: RE: Reclaiming Disk Space
> >
> >
> read the detailed 
> >disclaimer below.
> >
> >
> >If the IS is 6.2 GB you need to add HD space. A
> couple 9 or 18 gig 
> >drives BE withe xchange agent and you would not
> need to do an offline 
> >backup and lots of other potential problems would
> go away. What you are
> >proposing is only a temp solution.  Spend a few
> hundred and save 
> >yourself  or the next admin some future grief.
> >
=== message truncated ===


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