Title: quick question on multiple mail box

Hi all,

I have been asked from my boss this morning that he would like to have his secretary to have the ability to send out message under his name WHILE LOGIN WITH HER ACCOUNT.

Thing that I did so far.

1. Grant permission for his secretary to see his mailbox under hers mailbox (so now she has 2 mailboxes  A and  B)
2. Ask her to logon and go into her outlook to verify that she can see and access all of his messages (working fine)
3. Ask her to sent a test message to my mailbox to see if the message come over with her name or his name; it came over with her name.

4. I am stuck !!!!!!!

Note: he does not want to send message out with the "Send on Behalf" message.  He wants her to send out with his real identity while under her mail account.  I can set up a profile for them so they can switch when doing this but just want to run by you all to see if there is any other alternative that allow me to do the following:

1. logon with her account normally
2. switch to his mailbox (while under her mail account) and send out messages that will bare his name instead of hers.

3. Can any one help me out with this.

Any tips, suggestions are greatly appreciate.


Khoi Nguyen
NRI System Analysts

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