Dear all,

Bit of a strange one which has caused me a problem of late. We use
Exchange Server 5.5 (sp3) as our mail server and all clients who connect
use Outlook 2000 on Windows 98.

In the last fortnight approximately 8 clients have begun to experience
serious performance problems with their Outlook software. Their mailbox
fires up with no problems but then, intermittently, Outlook will lock up,
sometimes for up to 10 minutes, when they open up a message, try to attach
something to a message, in fact just about anything can freeze it up.

Go away make a cup of tea and when you come back it's fine, until the next
time. Now on a couple of these clients deleting the user profile on the pc
and re-creating has solved the issue leading me to think there is some
kind of corruption with the Outlook/Exchange local settings. However I
also now have 3 pc's which it looks like I am going to have to re-install
because I have tried absolutely everything in my knowledge (which in
fairness is not much!) with no success.

Nothing has changed on the network in recent weeks, there are no name
resolution issues, nothing recorded in the Exchange server event log,  
and all other clients are ticking over quite nicely.

Any ideas where I can even begin to start troubleshooting such a problem?

Thanks in advance for any ideas, James.

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