NOTE:  This is reposted from my Response to Don in the Syaadmin forum, however 
since he posted here as well I thought it best to repost for all involved.

Don, thanks for the message, let’s address each of your points.

1.      I find it interesting that you make a statement about "real" Exchange 
admins.  Care to clarify that statement a bit more?  

a.      You are certainly entitled to your opinion; however, making such a 
swaggering statement of differentiation regarding  “real” vs. what “wannabe” 
Exchange admins is pretty brazen and insulting don’t you think?  
b.      I would agree that Exchange admins have a varying degree of knowledge, 
however, that doesn’t give anyone with “supposedly” more knowledge the right to 
disregard or label everyone else as a non-real Exchange Admin.

2.      Exchange is coming up on its 12th birthday this coming April 2008 and 
from your statement it sounds like you have been working with it since its 
a.      Being that you have been in that game this long, I am sure that you 
have a good grasp of Exchange. 
i.      I do find it interesting that you’ve had little need to utilize the MS 
utilities in all that time, but hey I will take you at your word, you were 
there I was not.  
ii.     Although, if one has had little need to use any item, be that a 
product, process or utility (in this case the MS utilities) how can one say 
they have a deep understanding of the item in question?

3.      I’ll agree that your statements are extremely broad, care to clarify 
these broad statements?

a.      You say “I know enough about your product” Really?  Enlighten us with 
your knowledge of the product Don.  While you’re at it, tell me, how did you 
come by this knowledge of GOexchange?

b.      What do you mean exactly when you say “your product increases the risk 
of making things worse...”  Get specific please, let’s see what you are basing 
your statement on here.

4.      You as the question of “where would I find value in your product” Well 
lets start by saying that GOexchange is a PROACTIVE maintenance and 
optimization tool, vs. a reactive solution, tool or process. 

a.      As I am sure you know being Proactive is taking steps to avoid or 
minimize a negative action and being Reactive is dealing with the problem after 
its taken place.

b.      While we agree that being able to react to a negative action, i.e. 
restoring from backup or repairing a corrupted data base is invaluable, I would 
hope that we can all agree the act of  avoiding or minimizing the negative 
action altogether is more desirable, regardless of the issue at hand i.e.

i.      Most people go to the Dr. or Dentist for a checkup every so often as 
part of their personal preventative maintenance. While this takes precious time 
out of their valuable day, however, it’s the right and mart thing to do when 
you consider the alternative of going in on an emergency basis only which is 
much more costly.

ii.     The same scenario hold true for car owners, i.e. sheesh what a pain to 
have your car go in for maintenance, I mean I am busy.   Sure you can ignore 
it, maybe you will get lucky, then again maybe you will be stranded on the side 
of the road when the engine completely seizes, brakes, electrical or some other 
part goes south.  The end result is it ends up costing you more time; energy, 
aggravation and resources then it would have if you would have taken care.

iii.    Look at the New Orleans/Katrina disaster. Much if not all of the damage 
and suffering could have been avoided had the government officials been 
proactive in many ways.  The levees were known to be insufficient for decades.  
Everyone talked about shoring them up but it was deemed unnecessary or too 
costly a project.    In hindsight the cost to shore up the levees and protest 
the people of New Orleans would have been a fraction of the post disaster 
cleanup cost and that doesn’t measure the human suffering. 
c.      Ok so now back to Exchange… As stated before much has changed with 
Exchange since its first release and its underlying database structure has 
evolved into an incredibly resilient and much more reliable system.  Microsoft 
has built mechanisms to protect the JET database from many types of corruption, 
but certain conditions can still cause the ESE engine and databases to fail. 
That being said….

i.      The majority of organizations know innately that the e-mail system is 
business-critical. In a content-driven business ecosystem, it is their primary 
means of employee and business communications. Yet, few organizations can 
quantify the cost of lost business and productivity caused by Unplanned E-Mail 
Server Downtime. 

ii.     When it comes to your messaging systems, an ounce of prevention, or in 
this case implementing a preventative maintenance solution, is worth a pound of 
cure (aka Disaster Recovery)—which of course means, unplanned downtime, angry 
users and executives, cancelled plans, the possibility of data loss and more 
stress than anyone needs and late nights spent in the server room putting 
humpty dumpty back together again. 

iii.    The key words here are “unnecessary downtime” of course. The problem is 
Microsoft doesn’t really give anyone a way to know if action against a database 
is actually necessary or not until you start seeing performance problems, 
experience errors getting mail, or your store will not mount (worst case 
scenario), and in reality diagnosis isn’t productive when problems have gone 
too far. 
iv.     In essence MS has had so many people misuse the utilities that it’s 
safer to run blind then risk improper usage.
v.      GOexchange eliminates the issues that Microsoft is worried about in so 
far as improper usage and lets you plan preventative maintenance downtime in 
order to avoid unplanned/necessary downtime.

5.      To summarize, the technical and business reasons to use our GOexchange 

a.      Database health is often overlooked in most Exchange environments and 
many administrators mistakenly conclude that the database stores will take care 
of themselves as part of Exchange’s nightly online maintenance process. In 
reality, this process is important but is only a precursor to complete database 
maintenance. Ignoring the importance of preventative maintenance can be 
catastrophic and the fallout cuts across all departments of an organization.

b.      One reason we built GOexchange is because people were using the 
utilities incorrectly, this became so prevalent that Microsoft now recommends 
not using the utilities unless absolutely necessary and that you have a very 
high level of expertise or are being guided by PSS. They don’t say they have no 
value, or what necessary actually means, they have just determined that for the 
average IT person this is too risky unless you are currently experiencing 

c.      To be clear we don’t claim that we can do “more” than Microsoft could, 
we claim we do much more than they provide; in essence we automate this process 
so it is flawless. Expert knowledge has been built into the product to do away 
with the need for the manual, error prone processes, and the meticulous 
attention required to perform what we believe should be routine maintenance.

6.      I suppose you could also scoff at what some of the leading analyst 
firms have to say about us , 
however, we didnt pay these firms to make these statements so why would they?

7.      Bottom line our customers say it all. i.e. 

a.      Look at the product testimonials
b.      Read the case studies done with REAL clients that 
had REAL issues RESOLVED by using GOexchange.
8.      If after reading this post you still think you are right, i.e. that 
GOexchange is a farce, The Lucid8 guys don’t know what they are talking about I 
guess that’s your prerogative, proof of real-world statements from leading 
analyst and results from paying customers around the world be damned.

9.      BTW,  just as a validation point, what depth of knowledge do you think 
it would take to create a product that can;

a.      Open a native backup copy of an Exchange Database (EDB, STM, LOG files) 
on as little as an XP desktop? ( No Exchange Server Necessary)

b.      Then search, restore and extract mailboxes, folders, or individual 
items from that raw database to your heart’s content? 
c.      This is the depth of knowledge our organization has in the Exchange 
Database, i.e. as we said prior,we know the Exchange db intimately.  Check out
------ Response from Don Ely on 2008-02-29 16:01:00   ------------------

Your product is useless to "real" Exchange admins.  Your product offers no 
intrinsic value and at best your product increases the risk of making things 
Bottom line, your product holds no value.
I know enough about your product to make such a broad statement.
Given that, maybe you can explain where I am wrong in my assumption about your 
product.  Having managed Exchange environments since the Exchange 4.0 days I'm 
pretty sure I have a strong handle on the Jet Database, Eseutil, and Isinteg.  
I also have a keen handle on when to use these utilities and when I shouldn't.  
I can also say that in all of my years of managing Exchange and we're going on 
13 years, I have never run Eseutil or Isinteg on servers I had to manage.  I 
can count on both hands the number of times I have to use either utility as a 
All of that said, where would I find value in your product.  Seriously, I would 
really like to know the answer to this question and without use case 
scenario's, etc...  I would like clear, technical reasons to implement such a 

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Dane Cue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

WL, I read your post and;

1. Your snide comments really hold no value.
Q: I have to ask myself and so should others why anyone would make such a silly 
suggestion for an Anti-Product that they in fact know nothing about?
A: If you don’t have an answer, make an off color comment, wave your arms and 
jump up and down.  Ooh look at me everyone, the world is flat i tell you 
2. Regarding your statement about Microsoft’s, you seem to be arguing against 
yourself, i.e. no one from MS would ever say this and if they did its a rogue 
party with an MS email?  So even if I were at liberty to quote MS sources you 
would more then likely call the person an idiot or something else degrading.

Also you fail to miss the major point of our rather detailed answer:  Here is 
the orginal text:

A final note. We have heard from Microsoft themselves which have stated on 
various occasions (to us and other customers)
�       "With 2K7 you don't need GOexchange anymore like you did with 2K3"
�       Rather humorously we also previously heard "With 2K3 you don't need 
GOexchange anymore like you did with 2K"
in other words with every generation of Exchange it's admitted we provided a 
valuable service for the older product but we were no longer "Needed" for the 
newest product, that is until the next generation is released that solves all 
the problems that didn't exist.

Now MS is a great company that makes some incredible products, but anyone that 
has been in the industry for any length of time knows the score here and it’s 
not just about Exchange i.e.
Buy Version 1.x its awesome and has no issues
Buy Version 2.x its awesome and solves issues that 1.x had and is solid as a 
rock, requires no xxx or yyy like 1.x
Buy version 3.x its awesome, solves issues with 2.x and is solid as a rock, 
requires no xxx or yyy or zzz like 2.x
So the latest version is always great and solves real problems that the old 
version had and therefore you no longer need to do whatever you used to do, 
until the new version comes out and then the process is repeated.
In relation to GOexchange, MS and others made these statements when Exchange 
2000 came out, then 2003 and now 2007 and each and every time its been false, 
i.e. GOexchange continues to add value to clients around the world.  Bottom 
line here is that until MS move's away from JET, GOexchange will continue to 
provide benefit to all that utilize it.
I hope this helps and I am happy to converse with you openly on this forum as 
long as you can behave like a professional and deliver thoughtful and informed 

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